Submagic & Opus Pro: Easy Side Hustle (Make Money Online)

Submagic & Opus Pro: Easy Side Hustle (Make Money Online)

March 24, 2024
Author: Big Y

💰 How to Make Money Online with a Simple Side Hustle

Are you looking for an easy way to make money online? Look no further than this simple side hustle that can potentially earn you a couple of hundred dollars per month or even replace your job income. And the best part? You can do it from anywhere in the world.

In this article, we'll show you step-by-step how to offer a specific service to YouTubers that is in high demand right now. We'll provide you with all the tools and templates you need to get started, and we'll even show you how to find potential clients and how to price your services.

Table of Contents

- Introduction

- Finding Your Niche

- Identifying Potential Clients

- Creating Short-Form Videos with Opus Clip

- Creating Engaging Videos with Submic

- Pricing Your Services

- Pros and Cons of This Side Hustle

- Highlights


Finding Your Niche

The first step in offering this service is to find your niche. This can be any topic that YouTubers are actively posting videos about. For example, it could be cryptocurrency, make money online, health and fitness, or anything else that interests you.

Once you've identified your niche, you'll want to find YouTubers who are actively posting videos but are not utilizing shorts. Shorts are short-form videos that are less than 60 seconds long and are designed to be highly engaging and shareable.

Identifying Potential Clients

To find potential clients, you'll want to search for channels on YouTube that are actively uploading videos but are not creating shorts. Look for channels that are growing their audience but are missing out on the potential views and engagement that shorts can provide.

Once you've identified potential clients, you'll want to find their contact information. This can usually be found in the "About" section of their channel or on their website. If you can't find their contact information, you can always send them a message through their YouTube channel.

Creating Short-Form Videos with Opus Clip

Opus Clip is an AI tool that can help you create short-form videos from long-form YouTube videos. All you need to do is drop the YouTube link into the tool, and it will automatically create several short-form videos for you.

Opus Clip is a great tool for creating short-form videos quickly and easily. It's also very affordable, making it a great option for those just starting out.

Creating Engaging Videos with Submic

Submic is another tool that can help you create engaging videos for your clients. With Submic, you have more creative control over the videos you create, allowing you to add captions, sound effects, and even b-roll footage.

Submic is a more advanced tool than Opus Clip, but it also offers more customization options. It's a great tool for those who want to offer a more premium service to their clients.

Pricing Your Services

When it comes to pricing your services, you'll want to consider the amount of time and effort it takes to create short-form videos. You'll also want to consider the value that you're providing to your clients.

A good starting point for pricing your services is $15-$25 per video. As you gain more experience and build your portfolio, you can increase your prices accordingly.

Pros and Cons of This Side Hustle


- Easy to get started

- Can be done from anywhere in the world

- High demand for this service

- Affordable tools and resources


- Can be time-consuming

- Requires some technical knowledge

- Can be competitive


- Offer a specific service to YouTubers that is in high demand

- Use tools like Opus Clip and Submic to create engaging short-form videos

- Price your services based on the value you provide to your clients

- Consider the pros and cons of this side hustle before getting started


Q: Do I need any special equipment to offer this service?

A: No, you don't need any special equipment. All you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Q: How long does it take to create a short-form video?

A: It depends on the length of the original video and the complexity of the editing. On average, it takes about 30 minutes to create a short-form video.

Q: How do I find potential clients?

A: Look for channels on YouTube that are actively uploading videos but are not creating shorts. You can also search for channels in your niche and reach out to them directly.

Q: How much should I charge for my services?

A: A good starting point is $15-$25 per video. As you gain more experience and build your portfolio, you can increase your prices accordingly.


- Opus Clip:

- Submic:

- End -
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