Start A $10,000/Month SaaS Today (The Best Way)

Start A $10,000/Month SaaS Today (The Best Way)

March 26, 2024
Author: Big Y

**Table of Contents**

1. Introduction

2. The Value Creator Stack

1. Step 1: Developing a Skill

2. Step 2: Launchpad Business

3. Step 3: Building Your Software

3. Learning a Skill, Generating Cash Flow, and Building Software for Free

1. Using Bubble for No-Code Development

2. Starting a Productized No-Code Agency

3. Leveraging Bubble Developers for Software Development

4. The Importance of Cash Flow

5. The Best Business Model: Software

6. Exploring Different Cash Flow Generating Assets

7. The Puzzle of Success: Finding Your Unique Path

8. Taking Action and Committing to Your Goals

9. Conclusion


Have you ever wondered how the richest people in the world made their fortunes? It turns out that many of them got their start in the software industry. In this article, we will explore a new approach followed by successful entrepreneurs like Dan Co, Iman Godi, Alex Becker, Alex Heros, and Sam Ovens. This approach, known as the Value Creator Stack, consists of three simple steps that can help you make big money. So, if you're interested in learning how to build your own software empire, keep reading.

**The Value Creator Stack**

Step 1: Developing a Skill

One common denominator among internet gurus is that they all started with nothing but a single skill. Whether it was social media marketing, running ads, or SEO, these individuals focused on mastering one skill that would pave the way for their success. It's important to spend dedicated time honing your chosen skill, freelancing, and gaining valuable experience. This will establish your value in the world and become the foundation for your future endeavors.

Step 2: Launchpad Business

To achieve economic freedom, it's crucial to create a Launchpad business that generates a steady cash flow. This business doesn't have to be the next big thing; it simply needs to provide you with financial stability. An agency is an excellent choice for a Launchpad business. By selling your services and then outsourcing the work to contractors or hiring employees, you can focus on scaling your business and generating income.

Step 3: Building Your Software

Once you have a reliable source of cash flow, it's time to invest in building your software. This is where the real money lies. Many successful entrepreneurs, like Alex Becker and Iman, used the profits from their Launchpad businesses to fund the development of their software. By leveraging the skills and resources you've acquired, you can create a valuable software product that has the potential to generate significant revenue.

**Learning a Skill, Generating Cash Flow, and Building Software for Free**

What if there was a way to learn a skill, generate cash flow, and build your software for free? In 2023, a new approach emerged that allowed entrepreneurs to do just that. By utilizing a no-code development platform called Bubble, individuals could learn software development without spending years learning traditional coding languages. Bubble's drag-and-drop interface made it three times faster and easier to create software.

To put this new approach into action, entrepreneurs started productized no-code agencies. They charged clients a substantial fee to build software using Bubble, earning cash flow while simultaneously honing their skills. As the agency grew, they hired Bubble developers to handle client projects, allowing them to focus on scaling the business. Since the agency's Launchpad business was software development, they could use the same developers to build their own software at no additional cost.

**The Importance of Cash Flow**

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. It provides stability, allows for growth, and enables entrepreneurs to invest in their long-term goals. By establishing a Launchpad business that generates consistent cash flow, you can fund the development of your software and avoid the pitfalls of relying solely on external investments.

**The Best Business Model: Software**

Software is widely regarded as one of the best business models. It offers scalability, recurring revenue, and the potential for high-profit margins. By following the Value Creator Stack and building your software, you can tap into this lucrative market and create a sustainable business that generates substantial income.

**Exploring Different Cash Flow Generating Assets**

While a Launchpad business is an excellent source of cash flow, it's essential to diversify your income streams. Consider exploring other cash flow generating assets such as newsletters, blogs, YouTube channels, and digital products. By leveraging multiple avenues, you can maximize your earning potential and create a robust financial foundation.

**The Puzzle of Success: Finding Your Unique Path**

Success is like a puzzle, and each person's journey is unique. While it's valuable to learn from others, it's crucial to find the pieces that fit your own circumstances and aspirations. By combining different strategies and taking action, you can create a path that aligns with your skills, interests, and goals.

**Taking Action and Committing to Your Goals**

Watching educational videos and consuming content is entertaining, but it's only valuable if you take action. Commit to your goals, eliminate distractions, and stay focused on your chosen path. Remember, success requires perseverance, dedication, and a willingness to put in the work.


In conclusion, the Value Creator Stack provides a roadmap for building a successful software business. By developing a valuable skill, establishing a Launchpad business, and investing in software development, you can create a profitable venture. Remember to prioritize cash flow, explore different income streams, and take action to turn your dreams into reality. And if you're interested in AI chatbots, check out the AI Chatbot product by VOC.AI, which can automate customer service tasks and reduce your workload.

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