Monk Mode - Best Decision I've Ever Made.

Monk Mode - Best Decision I've Ever Made.

March 21, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Background Story

3. Starting the Monk Mode Journey

4. Transitioning into Drop Shipping

5. The Power of Compound

6. Taking Responsibility for Your Life

7. Not Taking Failure as an Option

8. Imagining Who You Want to Become

9. Key Takeaways from the Monk Mode Journey

10. Conclusion


In this article, we will delve into the transformative journey of Paul, a 21-year-old who embarked on a monk mode journey that led him to accumulate over $250,000 in just 365 days. Paul's story is an inspiring testament to the power of discipline, determination, and self-belief. Throughout this article, we will explore the key takeaways from Paul's journey, highlighting the lessons he learned and the mindset shifts he underwent. So, let's dive in and discover the secrets behind Paul's remarkable success.

Background Story

Before we delve into Paul's monk mode journey, let's take a moment to understand his background. Paul was working at two restaurants as a server while pursuing a business program at university. However, he felt a deep yearning for something more, a desire to push his limits and achieve greater success. This realization prompted him to make a change, to step out of his comfort zone and embark on a path that would redefine his life.

Starting the Monk Mode Journey

On November 22nd, 2022, Paul made the decision to start his monk mode journey. He quit his jobs, paused his university studies, and committed himself wholeheartedly to this new endeavor. Paul firmly believed that having a plan B would only hinder his progress, as it would provide an escape route when faced with challenges. With unwavering determination, he set out to educate himself in the areas of drop shipping, copyrighting, and marketing.

Transitioning into Drop Shipping

As Paul immersed himself in the world of entrepreneurship, he realized that he could provide his services to others while also building his own drop shipping business. Armed with newfound knowledge and a deep understanding of marketing and copyrighting, Paul ventured into the world of drop shipping. Although he initially knew nothing about it, he turned to the vast resources available on the internet, particularly YouTube, to find answers to his questions and learn from experienced individuals.

The Power of Compound

One of the most significant lessons Paul learned during his journey was the power of compound. Inspired by the book "Atomic Habits," he understood that consistent, incremental improvements could lead to remarkable results over time. Paul embraced the idea of not viewing failure as an option and committed himself to improving by just 1% every day. He recognized that the power of compound would eventually take over, propelling him towards his goals.

Taking Responsibility for Your Life

A pivotal realization for Paul was understanding that he alone held the power to make changes in his life. He recognized that relying on others, whether friends or family, would not lead to the transformation he sought. Paul emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's own life and the need to put in the work and daily actions required to bring about change. He encourages individuals to discipline themselves and take ownership of their journey.

Not Taking Failure as an Option

Building on the concept of compound growth, Paul emphasizes the significance of not viewing failure as an option. He believes that as long as one refuses to quit, failure becomes impossible. Paul encourages individuals to adopt a mindset that perseveres through challenges and setbacks. He acknowledges that the journey may be arduous, especially when results are not immediately visible, but he urges individuals to trust in the power of compound and keep pushing forward.

Imagining Who You Want to Become

A powerful technique that Paul employed throughout his journey was imagining the person he aspired to be. He envisioned himself as a successful entrepreneur running a thriving e-commerce store, embodying discipline, integrity, and resilience. By constantly referring to this mental image, Paul was able to make choices aligned with his vision. He encourages others to adopt this practice, suggesting that imagining who you want to become can significantly impact your actions and ultimately shape your reality.

Key Takeaways from the Monk Mode Journey

After 365 days of relentless dedication, Paul reflects on three key takeaways from his monk mode journey:

1. You are the only one who can make changes to your life.

2. Embrace the power of compound and don't view failure as an option.

3. Imagine who you want to become and start acting like that person.

These takeaways encapsulate the essence of Paul's transformation and serve as valuable lessons for anyone seeking to make a positive change in their life.


Paul's monk mode journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Through discipline, determination, and a refusal to accept failure, he has achieved remarkable success in a relatively short period. Paul's story serves as a testament to the power of self-belief, hard work, and the willingness to step out of one's comfort zone. As you embark on your own journey, remember Paul's key takeaways and let them guide you towards the life you envision.


- Paul accumulated over $250,000 in just 365 days through his monk mode journey.

- Taking responsibility for your life and not relying on others is crucial for personal growth.

- The power of compound growth can lead to remarkable results over time.

- Imagining who you want to become and acting accordingly can shape your reality.


**Q: How did Paul educate himself in drop shipping, copyrighting, and marketing?**

A: Paul dedicated 8 to 10 hours every day for two weeks to educate himself through online resources, particularly YouTube.

**Q: Did Paul face any challenges during his monk mode journey?**

A: Yes, Paul encountered challenges along the way, but he refused to view failure as an option and persevered through adversity.

**Q: How did Paul accumulate over $250,000 in just 365 days?**

A: Paul's success can be attributed to his commitment, discipline, and the power of compound growth in his drop shipping business.

**Q: What advice does Paul have for individuals looking to make a change in their lives?**

A: Paul emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility, not relying on others, and imagining who you want to become as key factors in achieving personal growth and success.

**Q: How can I apply the lessons from Paul's journey to my own life?**

A: By adopting a mindset of discipline, perseverance, and self-belief, you can make positive changes and work towards achieving your goals.


- [YouTube](

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