I gained 2,000,000 followers with this growth hack...

I gained 2,000,000 followers with this growth hack...

March 25, 2024
Author: Big Y

🔍 How to Go Viral on Social Media: The Magic Formula Revealed

Are you tired of posting content on social media that gets little to no engagement? Do you want to know the secret to going viral and getting millions of views and followers? Look no further, because in this article, I'm going to share with you the magic formula that has worked for me on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.

📈 The Power of Negative Engagement

Believe it or not, it's easier to get negative engagement than positive engagement on social media. People are quick to point out mistakes or flaws in your content, and this can actually work to your advantage. Social media platforms don't care if the engagement and comments are positive or negative, they just want more engagement. So, instead of being afraid of the trolls, I troll them back.

🤪 The Art of Purposeful Errors

One of my favorite hacks is to purposely mispronounce words or make other purposeful errors in my content. For example, I'll mispronounce the name of a famous philosopher or highlight a suspect folder in my video. This causes people to run to the comments and engage with my content, which increases my engagement, re-watch rate, and average view duration.

🤝 Building Your Tribe

But it's not just about increasing engagement, it's also about building a loyal audience. By creating inside jokes and recurring Easter eggs in my content, I bring my tribe in on the joke and make them feel like they're part of something special. This creates a sense of community and loyalty that can't be bought.

🚀 Explosive Growth Hacks

Using these strategies, I've been able to reach millions of people and gain hundreds of millions of views and followers. And the best part is, the content within my videos is still helpful and relevant to my target demographic. So, even if you don't want to take it to the extreme that I do, try incorporating some recurring Easter eggs or inside jokes into your content and see if it helps increase your engagement and reach.

🎉 Highlights

- Negative engagement can be more powerful than positive engagement on social media

- Purposeful errors and Easter eggs can increase engagement, re-watch rate, and average view duration

- Building a loyal audience through inside jokes and recurring Easter eggs can create a sense of community and loyalty

- These strategies have helped me gain hundreds of millions of views and followers on social media


Q: Won't purposefully making mistakes in my content turn people away?

A: The trolls and haters that come to the comments are never who you want to reach anyway. The content within your videos should still be helpful and relevant to your target demographic.

Q: How do I come up with inside jokes or recurring Easter eggs for my content?

A: Think about your brand and what makes it unique. What are some quirks or inside jokes that you and your audience share? Incorporate those into your content in a fun and creative way.

Q: Is it really that easy to go viral on social media?

A: It takes time and effort to create engaging content, but using these strategies can help increase your reach and engagement on social media.

- End -
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