I've Made $100K with AI & Faceless YouTube Channels! [Step-by-Step]

I've Made $100K with AI & Faceless YouTube Channels! [Step-by-Step]

March 24, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 How to Create a Successful YouTube Channel Using AI

Are you interested in creating a successful YouTube channel but don't know where to start? Look no further than AI. In this article, we'll go over step-by-step how to create a YouTube channel using AI and how to make it successful.

🎯 Finding a Profitable Niche

The first step in creating a successful YouTube channel is finding a profitable niche. To do this, we recommend using chat GPT to generate a list of 20 profitable niches for YouTube channels in 2023. Once you have your list, choose a niche that is currently going viral on YouTube. For example, the health and fitness niche is currently very popular.

📝 Creating a YouTube Account

Once you have your niche, it's time to create your YouTube account. Use Dolly 2 to create a fitness and health image for your profile picture and banner. Then, use chat GPT to generate a perfect description that fits your channel.

🎥 Creating Your First AI Video

Now it's time to create your first AI video. Use in video dot IO to generate a script on the best five ways to stay physically active on vacation. Start the video with a hook, keep the script under five minutes, and keep the tone of the video relaxed. Use the in video voiceover tool or descript overdub feature for realistic human voiceovers.

🔍 Incorporating Keywords and Hashtags

To drive traffic to your new channel or make any new video go viral, incorporate keywords relating to trending topics in your video tank section and use trending hashtags and keywords. Use the keywords everywhere AI tool for this.

📈 Click-Through Rate

The most important strategy for a successful YouTube channel is click-through rate (CTR). It's all about grabbing people's attention and making them click on your video. Videos that hold viewers for about 70 percent of their length tend to perform the best.

🎉 Celebrating Success

Following this same exact strategy, you can make 100k with AI in almost a year. Create more videos with the same process and the more videos you create, the faster it becomes. Upload four videos a week for three months to get monetized in two and a half months.

🌟 Highlights

- Use AI to find a profitable niche and create a YouTube account

- Use in video dot IO to generate a script and voiceover for your videos

- Incorporate keywords and hashtags to drive traffic

- Focus on click-through rate and holding viewers' attention

- Celebrate success by creating more videos and growing your channel


Q: Can I use AI for all aspects of my YouTube channel?

A: While AI can be helpful for many aspects of creating a YouTube channel, it's important to remember to make edits and ensure quality content.

Q: How long does it take to make a successful YouTube channel using AI?

A: It can take almost a year to make 100k with AI, but creating more videos with the same process can speed up the process.

Q: What if I don't have a profitable niche in mind?

A: Use chat GPT to generate a list of profitable niches for YouTube channels in 2023.


- Dolly 2

- in video dot IO

- descript

- keywords everywhere AI tool

- chat GPT

- End -
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