How I Sold $750K on Amazon FBA/FBM in 30 days!

How I Sold $750K on Amazon FBA/FBM in 30 days!

March 29, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Switching to FBM: Pros and Cons

- Pros of FBM

- Cons of FBM

3. Tips for Switching to FBM

- Staying on top of orders

- Importance of performance metrics

- Inventory management

4. Why FBM is Recommended during the Current Situation

5. Challenges of FBM

6. Increase in Sales with FBM

7. Comparison between FBA and FBM Sales

8. The Profitability of FBM

9. The Growth Potential of an FBA Business

10. Conclusion

**Switching to FBM: Pros and Cons**

In the ever-changing landscape of e-commerce, sellers on Amazon often face challenges when it comes to fulfilling their orders. With the recent restrictions imposed by Amazon on certain categories for their FBA centers, many sellers have had to explore alternative options. One such option is Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM), which involves sellers handling the packaging and shipping of their products themselves. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of switching to FBM and provide valuable insights for sellers considering this transition.

**Pros of FBM**

👍 Increased sales: As more people are shopping online, especially during these times when staying home is encouraged, sellers who have switched to FBM have experienced a significant increase in sales. By taking advantage of the surge in online shopping, sellers can tap into a larger customer base and potentially boost their revenue.

👍 Flexibility and control: With FBM, sellers have greater control over their inventory and shipping processes. They can ensure that orders are fulfilled promptly and accurately, leading to higher customer satisfaction. Additionally, FBM allows sellers to have more flexibility in managing their stock levels and adjusting prices as needed.

👍 Lower costs: FBM can be a cost-effective option for sellers, especially for those who have limited resources or are just starting their business. By eliminating the fees associated with FBA, sellers can potentially increase their profit margins.

**Cons of FBM**

👎 Increased workload: Unlike FBA, where Amazon handles the packaging and shipping, FBM requires sellers to individually pack and ship each item. This can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially for sellers with a large volume of orders. It is essential to be prepared for the additional workload that comes with FBM.

👎 Higher responsibility: With FBM, sellers bear the responsibility of ensuring that orders are delivered on time and in good condition. This means staying on top of inventory management, accurately updating stock levels, and promptly addressing any customer concerns or complaints. FBM requires sellers to maintain high performance metrics to keep customers satisfied.

👎 Limited storage capacity: Unlike FBA, where Amazon provides ample storage space, FBM sellers need to have their own storage facilities or rely on third-party logistics providers. This can be a challenge for sellers with limited storage capacity, as it may restrict the number and variety of products they can offer.

In the next sections, we will provide valuable tips for sellers who are considering switching to FBM during this time. These tips will help you navigate the challenges and make the most out of this fulfillment option.

**Tips for Switching to FBM**

**Staying on top of your orders**

When transitioning to FBM, it is crucial to stay organized and stay on top of your orders. Promptly process and ship orders to ensure timely delivery. By providing excellent customer service and meeting or exceeding customer expectations, you can build a positive reputation and encourage repeat business.

**Importance of performance metrics**

With FBM, your performance metrics play a vital role in maintaining customer satisfaction and ensuring the success of your business. Monitor your metrics closely, including order defect rate, late shipment rate, and cancellation rate. Address any issues promptly and strive to improve your metrics continuously.

**Inventory management**

Effective inventory management is key to success with FBM. Ensure that you only list items you currently have in stock or can readily source. Avoid listing items that have long lead times or uncertain availability, as this can negatively impact your performance metrics if you cannot fulfill orders as promised.

Now that we have discussed the pros and cons of FBM and provided some essential tips for sellers, let's explore why FBM is recommended during the current situation.

**Why FBM is Recommended during the Current Situation**

Given the restrictions imposed by Amazon on certain categories for FBA, switching to FBM has become a viable option for many sellers. With the increased demand for online shopping, FBM allows sellers to continue fulfilling orders and capitalize on the surge in sales. By adapting to the current situation and leveraging FBM, sellers can maintain their business operations and potentially thrive in these challenging times.

However, it is important to note that FBM comes with its own set of challenges. Let's take a closer look at some of these challenges.

**Challenges of FBM**

While FBM offers several advantages, it is essential to be aware of the challenges that come with this fulfillment option. Here are a few key challenges to consider:

1. **Increased workload**: Fulfilling orders individually requires more time and effort compared to the streamlined process of FBA. Sellers must be prepared to handle the additional workload associated with packaging and shipping each item.

2. **Inventory management**: With FBM, sellers need to closely monitor their inventory levels and ensure they have sufficient stock to fulfill orders promptly. Effective inventory management is crucial to avoid overselling or running out of stock.

3. **Shipping logistics**: FBM sellers need to have a reliable shipping process in place to ensure timely delivery. This includes selecting appropriate shipping carriers, managing shipping costs, and providing accurate tracking information to customers.

Despite these challenges, many sellers have experienced a significant increase in sales after switching to FBM. Let's explore the impact of FBM on sales in more detail.

**Increase in Sales with FBM**

Since the transition to FBM, many sellers have witnessed a substantial boost in their sales. The surge in online shopping, coupled with the limited availability of FBA, has created an opportunity for FBM sellers to capture a larger market share. By adapting to the current situation and fulfilling orders through FBM, sellers have been able to meet the growing demand and increase their revenue.

In the next section, we will compare the sales performance of FBA and FBM to provide a better understanding of the profitability of FBM.

**Comparison between FBA and FBM Sales**

When comparing the sales performance of FBA and FBM, it is evident that FBM has played a significant role in driving revenue for sellers. Let's take a closer look at the sales numbers:

- In the last 30 days, the seller has achieved sales of approximately $750,000, including both FBA and FBM shipments.

- FBA sales accounted for around $530,000, while FBM sales contributed approximately $220,000.

- The seller started fulfilling merchant orders on March 17th, and within ten days, they achieved sales of $83,000 through FBM.

These numbers highlight the potential of FBM in generating substantial sales, even in a relatively short period. The profitability of FBM will be further discussed in the next section.

**The Profitability of FBM**

Switching to FBM has not only resulted in increased sales but has also proven to be profitable for

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