FREE BOT Pays You +$200! EASY Method (Affiliate Marketing 2024)

FREE BOT Pays You +$200! EASY Method (Affiliate Marketing 2024)

March 24, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Untapped Butt Method: Making $200 per Day for Beginners

3. Finding the Right Offer on Digistore24

4. Using Pinterest for Free Traffic

5. Creating a Pinterest Account and Optimizing Your Profile

6. Using Soran Plugin for Pinterest Marketing

7. Searching for Relevant Pins and Repinning

8. Creating Boards and Repinning for Free Traffic

9. Scaling Up Your Pinterest Marketing Efforts

10. Conclusion

The Untapped Butt Method: Making $200 per Day for Beginners


🔥 Are you a beginner looking to make money online without spending a dime? Look no further! In this article, we will explore an untapped method that can help you earn over $200 per day. The best part? It's completely free and doesn't require a website or showing your face. So, let's dive in and discover this exciting opportunity!

**1. Finding the Right Offer on Digistore24**

💡 The first step in this method is to find an offer to promote. We recommend using Digistore24, an affiliate network that offers a wide range of digital products. Head over to their marketplace and explore different niches. For the purpose of this article, let's focus on the photography and motion picture niche. We'll promote a product called "Smartphone Film Making Pro," which has high conversion rates and a decent affiliate income of around $62 per sale.

**2. Using Pinterest for Free Traffic**

📌 Pinterest is a powerful platform for driving free traffic to your affiliate links. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of leveraging Pinterest to maximize your earnings. But before we dive into the details, let's create a Pinterest account and optimize it for success.

**3. Creating a Pinterest Account and Optimizing Your Profile**

📝 To get started, create a brand new Pinterest account. Make sure the account is heavily related to the niche or product you're promoting. Upload a profile picture and write a bio that highlights the benefits of the product. For example, if you're promoting the "Smartphone Film Making Pro," you can write something like, "Learn to shoot, edit, and share stunning smartphone videos. The number one place to master cinematic smartphone video skills using only your phone." Don't forget to include your affiliate link in the bio.

**4. Using Soran Plugin for Pinterest Marketing**

📌 Now that your Pinterest account is set up, it's time to supercharge your marketing efforts with the Soran plugin. Soran is an amazing plugin that allows you to create viral posts using other people's content on Pinterest. Install the Soran plugin on Google Chrome, and you're ready to go!

**5. Searching for Relevant Pins and Repinning**

🔍 With the Soran plugin installed, you can now search for relevant pins in your niche. Look for pins with a low number of repins but a decent number of comments. This indicates less competition, giving you a better chance to stand out. Repin these pins to your boards and start driving traffic to your affiliate link.

**6. Creating Boards and Repinning for Free Traffic**

📌 To organize your repinned content, create boards on Pinterest. Each board should have a specific theme related to your niche or product. For example, you can create a board called "Smartphone Video Editing Tips" or "Cinematic Smartphone Videos." Repin the relevant pins to these boards, ensuring a steady flow of traffic to your affiliate link.

**7. Scaling Up Your Pinterest Marketing Efforts**

🚀 As you gain experience and see positive results, it's time to scale up your Pinterest marketing efforts. Explore more keywords and niches, create additional boards, and repin more content. The more active you are on Pinterest, the more traffic you'll generate, leading to higher earnings.

**8. Conclusion**

🎉 Congratulations! You've discovered an untapped method to make over $200 per day as a beginner, using free traffic from Pinterest. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can leverage the power of Pinterest to drive targeted traffic to your affiliate links. Remember to stay consistent, experiment with different pins, and optimize your boards for maximum engagement. With dedication and perseverance, you can achieve financial success in the world of online marketing.


- Discover an untapped method to make over $200 per day as a beginner

- Utilize free traffic from Pinterest to drive targeted visitors to your affiliate links

- Leverage the power of Soran plugin for Pinterest marketing

- Create boards and repin relevant content to attract a steady flow of traffic

- Scale up your efforts to maximize your earnings


**Q: Is this method suitable for beginners?**

A: Absolutely! This method is designed specifically for beginners who want to make money online without any upfront investment.

**Q: Do I need a website to implement this method?**

A: No, you don't need a website. This method relies on leveraging Pinterest to drive traffic directly to your affiliate links.

**Q: Can I promote products from different niches using this method?**

A: Yes, you can promote products from various niches. Just create a separate Pinterest account for each niche and optimize it accordingly.

**Q: How long does it take to see results with this method?**

A: Results may vary, but with consistent effort and optimization, you can start seeing positive results within a few weeks.

**Q: Are there any costs involved in implementing this method?**

A: No, this method is completely free. You don't need to spend any money to make it work.

**Q: Can I use this method alongside other marketing strategies?**

A: Absolutely! This method can be combined with other marketing strategies to diversify your income streams and maximize your earnings.


- [Digistore24](

- [Soran Plugin](

- [Pinterest](

Please note that the URLs mentioned in the content are listed here as resources for your convenience.

- End -
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