9 basic techniques for creating chatGPT prompts. How to create smart prompts.

9 basic techniques for creating chatGPT prompts. How to create smart prompts.

February 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

🤖 Thorough Explanation of Chat GPT: 9 Clever Tips for Pronk

Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can be used to generate text, answer questions, and even write articles. However, in order to use it effectively, it is necessary to make it work well with Bronk. In this article, we will introduce 9 clever tips for pronk that will help you get the most out of Chat GPT.

📝 Table of Contents

1. Use the Latest Model

2. Write Related Content First

3. Give Concrete and Clear Instructions

4. Specify the Output Format

5. Tell the Concierge What to Do Instead

6. Answer Well

7. Explain the Thought Process

8. Listen to Complex Content in Separate Parts

9. Automate Prompt Creation

1. Use the Latest Model

If possible, use the latest model of Chat GPT. Even if it is something that cannot be solved with GPT3.5, there are many things that can be solved with GPT4. The newer one is better.

2. Write Related Content First

When writing prompts for Chat GPT, it is important to write related content first. Separate the sentences and summarize the content in bullet points. Make sure you clearly see that it is separated from instructions like this.

3. Give Concrete and Clear Instructions

Give concrete and clear instructions when asking Chat GPT to generate text. For example, instead of asking them to write a poem about Open AI, ask them to write about open areas and focus on GPT4. Be clear and specific, such as asking them to explain briefly in a few minutes, but in 3 to 5 minutes.

4. Specify the Output Format

Specify the output format in advance so that Chat GPT can respond in the format you want. For example, if you want the text to be summarized, specify the format and have them summarize the article about dog training.

5. Tell the Concierge What to Do Instead

Tell the concierge not only what not to do, but what to do instead. For example, what kind of things do customers recommend to the concierge? Let's say you want to listen to a movie. When asking Chat GPT to create a manual for the concierge, ask them to create a manual without asking for personal information such as interests.

6. Answer Well

Answer well when using Chat GPT. If they don't give you an answer, let's use an example. Prepare other English sentences and how to respond to them. If you give examples, Chat GPT will respond according to the format of this example.

7. Explain the Thought Process

Explain the thought process when using Chat GPT. Before you let Chat GPT suddenly say the answer, why did it choose that answer? By teaching Chat GPT the thinking process, you can create Chat GPT that imitates the way humans think and give answers.

8. Listen to Complex Content in Separate Parts

Listen to complex content in separate parts. For example, if you want Chat GPT to solve a complex problem, you can disassemble the problem and send them to Chat GPT separately. By asking questions separately in this way, you can improve the accuracy of responses in Chat GPT.

9. Automate Prompt Creation

Automate prompt creation using Chat GPT. There are several ways to automate, but this time we will introduce one from overseas. By giving instructions like this, Chat GPT will continuously ask you questions, and all you have to do is answer them for your benefit. Prompts are automatically created.

In conclusion, Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can be used to generate text, answer questions, and even write articles. By following these 9 clever tips for pronk, you can get the most out of Chat GPT and improve the accuracy of its responses.

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