【ChatGPT Business Application】Can your workload be reduced by half with just this? The 7 points to becoming a "Prompt Master" that anyone can achieve (AI expert, Ryuji Noguchi)【NewSchool】

【ChatGPT Business Application】Can your workload be reduced by half with just this? The 7 points to becoming a "Prompt Master" that anyone can achieve (AI expert, Ryuji Noguchi)【NewSchool】

February 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

Noguchi's 7R Prompts: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Communication

Effective communication is essential in any aspect of life, whether it's in personal relationships or in the workplace. However, not everyone is born with the gift of gab, and some struggle with expressing themselves clearly and concisely. Fortunately, there are techniques and frameworks that can help anyone become a better communicator. In this article, we will explore Noguchi's 7R prompts, a step-by-step guide to effective communication that can be used in any situation.

📋 Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Importance of Effective Communication

3. What are Noguchi's 7R Prompts?

4. Step 1: Make a Request

5. Step 2: Define the Role

6. Step 3: Format the Output

7. Step 4: Set the Rules

8. Step 5: Evaluate and Refine

9. Step 6: Provide Reference Knowledge or Examples

10. Step 7: Teach the Scenario

11. Pros and Cons of Noguchi's 7R Prompts

12. Highlights

13. FAQ

The Importance of Effective Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of success in any field. Whether you're a business owner, a manager, or an employee, your ability to communicate effectively can make or break your career. Good communication skills can help you build strong relationships, resolve conflicts, and achieve your goals. On the other hand, poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, mistakes, and missed opportunities.

What are Noguchi's 7R Prompts?

Noguchi's 7R prompts are a framework for effective communication that was developed by Japanese communication expert, Yoshinori Noguchi. The 7R prompts are a step-by-step guide that can be used to structure any communication, from a simple conversation to a complex business proposal. The 7R prompts are:

1. Make a Request

2. Define the Role

3. Format the Output

4. Set the Rules

5. Evaluate and Refine

6. Provide Reference Knowledge or Examples

7. Teach the Scenario

Step 1: Make a Request

The first step in Noguchi's 7R prompts is to make a request. This involves clearly stating what you want from the other person. For example, if you're asking a coworker for help with a project, you might say, "Can you please help me with this project?"

Step 2: Define the Role

The second step is to define the role. This involves specifying the responsibilities and expectations of each person involved in the communication. For example, if you're working on a project with a coworker, you might say, "I will be responsible for the research, and you will be responsible for the design."

Step 3: Format the Output

The third step is to format the output. This involves specifying the format in which the communication will be presented. For example, if you're giving a presentation, you might say, "I will present the information in a PowerPoint presentation."

Step 4: Set the Rules

The fourth step is to set the rules. This involves specifying the guidelines and parameters of the communication. For example, if you're working on a project with a team, you might say, "We will meet every Monday at 10am to discuss our progress."

Step 5: Evaluate and Refine

The fifth step is to evaluate and refine. This involves reviewing the communication and making any necessary adjustments. For example, if you're giving a presentation and notice that the audience is losing interest, you might adjust your delivery to be more engaging.

Step 6: Provide Reference Knowledge or Examples

The sixth step is to provide reference knowledge or examples. This involves providing additional information or examples to support the communication. For example, if you're giving a presentation on a new product, you might provide examples of how the product has been successful in other markets.

Step 7: Teach the Scenario

The final step is to teach the scenario. This involves providing a scenario in which the communication can be applied. For example, if you're teaching a sales team how to pitch a new product, you might provide a scenario in which they must pitch the product to a potential customer.

Pros and Cons of Noguchi's 7R Prompts

Like any framework, Noguchi's 7R prompts have their pros and cons. Some of the pros include:

- Provides a clear structure for communication

- Helps to ensure that all necessary information is included

- Can be used in any situation

Some of the cons include:

- May be too rigid for some communication styles

- May not be suitable for informal or casual communication


- Noguchi's 7R prompts are a step-by-step guide to effective communication.

- The 7R prompts include steps such as making a request, defining the role, formatting the output, setting the rules, evaluating and refining, providing reference knowledge or examples, and teaching the scenario.

- Noguchi's 7R prompts can be used in any situation and provide a clear structure for communication.


Q: Can Noguchi's 7R prompts be used in informal communication?

A: While Noguchi's 7R prompts are designed for formal communication, they can be adapted for informal communication.

Q: Are Noguchi's 7R prompts suitable for all communication styles?

A: Noguchi's 7R prompts may be too rigid for some communication styles, but they can be adapted to suit different styles.

Q: Can Noguchi's 7R prompts be used in any situation?

A: Yes, Noguchi's 7R prompts can be used in any situation that requires effective communication.


- [Noguchi's 7R Prompts](https://www.noguchi-communication.com/7r/)

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