($1,000/day) How To Make PASSIVE INCOME With ChatGPT...

($1,000/day) How To Make PASSIVE INCOME With ChatGPT...

March 25, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Make $1000 a Day with Chat GPT

Are you looking for a way to make a thousand dollars a day? Look no further than Chat GPT! In this article, we'll explore how you can use affiliate marketing, AI-generated videos, and video courses to make money with Chat GPT.

Table of Contents

1. Affiliate Marketing

2. Using Chat GPT for Affiliate Marketing

3. AI-Generated Videos

4. Using Synthesia for AI-Generated Videos

5. Video Courses

6. Using Chat GPT for Video Courses

7. Selling YouTube Services on Freelance Platforms

8. Making an Additional $100 a Day with AI

9. Pros and Cons

10. FAQ

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. The first thing you need to do is find a website or product that has an amazing affiliate marketing commission. One great option is Jasper AI, which offers a 30% recurring commission for life.

Using Chat GPT for Affiliate Marketing

To use Chat GPT for affiliate marketing, start by typing in the prompt "be a YouTuber." This will help Chat GPT generate better data for you based on what you want to do. Then, ask Chat GPT to write 10 viral titles about Jasper AI or whatever product or service you're an affiliate for.

Next, tell Chat GPT to be a TikToker and write you a 45-second script for TikTok on each of these topics. This is important because short-form vertical videos are the most powerful format of content right now.

AI-Generated Videos

AI-generated videos are a great way to create content quickly and easily. To use AI-generated videos, take the video scripts that Chat GPT generated and use them on a website like Victory.ai. This website uses AI to make videos for you with those scripts.

Using Synthesia for AI-Generated Videos

Another great option for AI-generated videos is Synthesia. This website uses artificial intelligence to generate video lessons for you with realistic voiceovers using those scripts.

Video Courses

Video courses are a great way to make money online. To create a video course, start by finding the top trending courses in different industries on websites like Udemy.com. Then, ask Chat GPT to write you a course outline for that topic.

Next, ask Chat GPT to use the above response and generate a detailed script for each lesson. Finally, use Synthesia to generate video lessons for you with those scripts.

Using Chat GPT for Video Courses

To use Chat GPT for video courses, enter Chat GPT and type in the prompts for whatever client you get for whatever industry. This is a great way to make money and help others learn at the same time.

Selling YouTube Services on Freelance Platforms

You can also use Chat GPT to pretend to be a YouTube expert and sell those services on freelance platforms. To do this, ask Chat GPT to write you five viral YouTube titles and a YouTube SEO description for each of those videos.

Making an Additional $100 a Day with AI

If you're interested in making even more money with AI, check out this video on how to make an additional $100 a day using artificial intelligence.

Pros and Cons


- Easy to use

- Can make a lot of money

- Helps others learn


- Requires some initial setup

- Can be time-consuming


Q: Is Chat GPT free to use?

A: Yes, Chat GPT is free to use.

Q: Can I use Chat GPT for any industry?

A: Yes, you can use Chat GPT for any industry.

Q: How much money can I make with Chat GPT?

A: The amount of money you can make with Chat GPT depends on how much time and effort you put into it.


- Jasper AI: https://jasperai.co/

- Victory.ai: https://victory.ai/

- Synthesia: https://synthesia.io/

- Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/

- End -
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