April 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

1. **Knowledge Management**

* Knowledge Management is a process of creating, sharing, and managing the knowledge and information of an organization.

* It helps organizations to make better decisions, improve productivity, and reduce costs.

* ServiceNow Knowledge Management is a cloud-based application that helps organizations to manage their knowledge and information.

* It provides a central repository for all of an organization's knowledge, making it easy for users to find and share information.

* Knowledge Management can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization by helping to:

* Reduce the time it takes to find information

* Improve the quality of decisions

* Increase productivity

* Reduce costs

2. **Benefits of Knowledge Management**

* Knowledge Management can provide a number of benefits for organizations, including:

* Improved efficiency and effectiveness

* Reduced costs

* Increased productivity

* Improved customer satisfaction

* Enhanced innovation

* Improved decision-making

3. **Components and Features of Knowledge Management in ServiceNow**

* Knowledge Management in ServiceNow includes a number of components and features, including:

* Knowledge articles

* Knowledge bases

* Knowledge categories

* User criteria

* Workflows

* Knowledge home page

* Knowledge portal

* Article versioning

* Knowledge article states

* Ownership groups

* Article templates

* External content integration

* Feedback management

* Knowledge centered service configuration

* Article quality index

* Translation management

* Knowledge reporting and dashboards

4. **Knowledge Article**

* A knowledge article is a record of information that is stored in a knowledge base.

* Knowledge articles can contain text, images, and links to other resources.

* Knowledge articles are used to share information with users and to help them solve problems.

5. **Knowledge Base**

* A knowledge base is a collection of knowledge articles that are organized into categories.

* Knowledge bases are used to store and manage knowledge articles.

* Knowledge bases can be accessed by users to find information and to solve problems.

6. **Knowledge Category**

* A knowledge category is a grouping of knowledge articles that are related to a specific topic.

* Knowledge categories are used to organize knowledge articles and to make it easier for users to find information.

7. **User Criteria**

* User criteria is a way to define who can access knowledge articles and what they can do with them.

* User criteria can be used to control access to knowledge articles and to protect sensitive information.

8. **Workflows**

* Workflows are used to automate the process of publishing and retiring knowledge articles.

* Workflows can be used to ensure that knowledge articles are reviewed and approved before they are published.

9. **Knowledge Home Page**

* The knowledge home page is a view in the ServiceNow Knowledge Management application that provides users with a central location to search for and view knowledge articles.

* The knowledge home page also includes links to other features of the ServiceNow Knowledge Management application.

10. **Knowledge Portal**

* The knowledge portal is a web-based application that provides users with a central location to search for and view knowledge articles.

* The knowledge portal is similar to the knowledge home page, but it provides a more user-friendly interface.

11. **Article Versioning**

* Article versioning is a feature that allows users to create different versions of a knowledge article.

* Article versioning is used to track changes to a knowledge article and to allow users to view previous versions of a knowledge article.

12. **Knowledge Article States**

* Knowledge article states are used to track the progress of a knowledge article through its lifecycle.

* Knowledge article states can be used to track when a knowledge article is created, reviewed, approved, and published.

13. **Ownership Groups**

* Ownership groups are used to define who is responsible for a knowledge article.

* Ownership groups can be used to ensure that knowledge articles are reviewed and approved by the appropriate people.

14. **Article Templates**

* Article templates are used to create knowledge articles with a consistent structure.

* Article templates can be used to save time and to ensure that knowledge articles are formatted correctly.

15. **External Content Integration**

* External content integration is a feature that allows users to integrate content from external sources into the ServiceNow Knowledge Management application.

* External content integration can be used to provide users with access to a wider range of information.

16. **Feedback Management**

* Feedback management is a feature that allows users to provide feedback on knowledge articles.

* Feedback management can be used to improve the quality of knowledge articles and to identify areas where improvements can be

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