What Type of Product Should I Sell? (Amazon FBA Product Research)

What Type of Product Should I Sell? (Amazon FBA Product Research)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Pick the Right Product for Amazon FBA

Are you an Amazon FBA seller looking to pick the right product to sell? If so, you're in luck! In this article, we'll be discussing how to pick the right product for Amazon FBA. We'll be covering two main topics: picking a product based on data and picking a product based on passion. We'll also be discussing how to combine these two methods to create the perfect product for your Amazon FBA business.

📋 Table of Contents

- Introduction

- Picking a Product Based on Data

- Picking a Product Based on Passion

- Combining Data and Passion

- Starting Your Research

- Long-Term Thinking

- Conclusion

Picking a Product Based on Data

When it comes to picking a product for Amazon FBA, many sellers rely solely on data. This means looking at things like search volume, Google Trends, and revenue per month. While this method can be effective, it's important to remember that data doesn't tell the whole story.

If you pick a product based solely on data, you may end up with a product that you know nothing about. You won't understand the customer, the market, or how to add value to the product. This can make it difficult to build a brand and stand out from the competition.

Picking a Product Based on Passion

On the other hand, some sellers choose to pick a product based on their passion. This means choosing a product that they use every day or have a deep understanding of. By picking a product based on passion, you'll be able to add value to the product and understand the customer on a deeper level.

However, it's important to remember that passion alone isn't enough. You still need to look at the data and make sure that the product has a viable market.

Combining Data and Passion

So, which method is better? The truth is, both methods have their pros and cons. That's why it's important to combine data and passion when picking a product for Amazon FBA.

By combining data and passion, you'll be able to choose a product that has a viable market and that you're passionate about. This will make it easier to add value to the product and build a brand that stands out from the competition.

Starting Your Research

If you're not sure where to start with your product research, a good place to begin is by writing down your daily activities, likes, and interests. This will help you identify products that you're passionate about and that have a viable market.

Once you've identified potential products, you can use tools like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout to analyze the data and make sure that the product has a viable market.

Long-Term Thinking

When it comes to Amazon FBA, it's important to think long-term. This means choosing a product that you're passionate about and that has a viable market. By doing so, you'll be able to build a brand that stands the test of time and that can potentially be sold in the future.


Picking the right product for Amazon FBA can be a daunting task, but by combining data and passion, you can choose a product that has a viable market and that you're passionate about. Remember to think long-term and to always be adapting to the ever-changing Amazon FBA landscape.

🌟 Highlights

- Picking a product based solely on data can lead to a lack of understanding of the customer and the market.

- Picking a product based on passion alone isn't enough. You still need to make sure that the product has a viable market.

- Combining data and passion is the best way to choose a product for Amazon FBA.

- Long-term thinking is crucial when it comes to Amazon FBA.

🙋‍♀️ FAQ

Q: Should I pick a product based on data or passion?

A: It's best to combine data and passion when picking a product for Amazon FBA.

Q: How do I start my product research?

A: Begin by writing down your daily activities, likes, and interests. This will help you identify potential products that you're passionate about.

Q: Why is long-term thinking important in Amazon FBA?

A: Long-term thinking is important because it allows you to choose a product that can potentially be sold in the future and that can stand the test of time.

- End -
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