What to sell on Amazon in 2024 (and why)

What to sell on Amazon in 2024 (and why)

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Importance of Product Selection

3. Fundamentals for a Successful Product

- Pricing

- Budgeting

- Listing and Brand Design

- Product Launch

4. Products to Avoid

- Products with Undefined Target Customers

- Products with High Amazon FBA Fees

- Products with One-Time Use

- Products Sourced Outside of China

- Products Difficult to Market Off Amazon

5. Products to Consider

- Products with Clearly Defined Target Customers

- Products with Low Amazon FBA Fees

- Consumable Products with Repeat Purchases

- Products Sourced in the US or Europe

- Products Easy to Market Off Amazon

6. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the world of product selection for beginners in the year 2024. Choosing the right products to sell is crucial for success in the competitive Amazon marketplace. We will delve into the fundamentals that every aspiring seller should understand to ensure their product's success. Additionally, we will discuss the types of products to avoid and the ones that hold great potential. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of what to look for when selecting products to sell on Amazon.

**The Importance of Product Selection**

Product selection is a critical aspect of building a successful business on Amazon. It determines the viability and profitability of your venture. While having a great product is essential, it is equally important to execute the right strategies. In this article, we will focus on the key fundamentals that will guide you towards making informed decisions about the products you choose to sell.

**Fundamentals for a Successful Product**


Understanding how pricing impacts your sales is crucial. In a competitive marketplace like Amazon, where thousands of sellers vie for customers' attention, pricing plays a significant role. While being the cheapest product is not always necessary, it is essential to consider the market dynamics. Launching a product at a significantly higher price than competitors may hinder its success. Finding the right balance between pricing and profitability is key.


Forecasting the number of units you need to sell to rank organically on the front page is vital. This means appearing at the top of search results without relying heavily on paid advertising. Adequate budgeting is crucial to ensure a successful product launch. It is important to have enough funds to cover at least three months' worth of stock. The initial weeks may not yield immediate profits, so relying on those returns to fund subsequent orders can be challenging.

Listing and Brand Design

Creating a top-class listing that maximizes conversion rates and stands out from the competition is crucial. Beginners often struggle with this aspect, while experienced sellers excel at crafting high-converting listings. Investing time and effort into creating an appealing brand design can significantly impact your product's success.

Product Launch

Understanding how to execute a proper product launch is essential. Many beginners mistakenly believe that a product launch lasts only a few weeks. In reality, it can take months to effectively launch and rank a new product. Learning the intricacies of a successful product launch will give you an edge over your competitors.

**Products to Avoid**

While there are countless opportunities on Amazon, some product types may not be ideal for beginners. It is important to steer clear of products that present challenges or limitations. Here are a few product types to avoid:

Products with Undefined Target Customers

Selling products where it is difficult to understand the target customer can be challenging. For example, selling door hinges may seem lucrative due to demand, but it is hard to pinpoint who exactly would be interested in buying them. Commoditized products like these often require aggressive pricing strategies to compete, making it challenging for beginners to establish a foothold.

Products with High Amazon FBA Fees

Products with high Amazon FBA fees relative to the sales price can eat into your profits significantly. It is important to consider the overall profitability of a product after accounting for fees.

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