What is BSR & is it ACTUALLY Important? (Amazon FBA Product Research)

What is BSR & is it ACTUALLY Important? (Amazon FBA Product Research)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

BSR: Best Sellers Rank on Amazon

Are you an Amazon seller looking to find the best products to sell? If so, you've probably heard of BSR, or Best Sellers Rank. In this article, we'll explore what BSR is, how to use it to find products, and how it can help you build a successful business on Amazon.

What is BSR?

BSR is a metric used by Amazon to rank products based on their sales performance. It's updated hourly and reflects recent historical sales of every item sold on Amazon. The lower the BSR, the better the product is selling in its category.

Using BSR to Find Products

One way to use BSR to find products is to go to the "Best Sellers" page on Amazon and look at the top-selling products in each category. This can give you an idea of what's popular and what's selling well on Amazon.

Another way to use BSR is to track it over time using a tool like Helium 10. This can help you identify trends and seasonality in different niches and categories. For example, if you see a product's BSR consistently dropping during the winter months, it may be a seasonal product that sells well during that time.

Using BSR for Intuition and Creativity

BSR can also be used for intuition and creativity. By looking at a product's BSR, you can get a sense of how well it's selling and whether it's consistent or inconsistent. This can help you make decisions about which products to sell and how to position them in the market.

For example, if you see a product with a consistently low BSR, you may want to consider selling a similar product in that niche. Or, if you see a product with an inconsistent BSR, you may want to avoid that niche altogether.

Pros and Cons of Using BSR


- BSR is a quick and easy way to get a sense of how well a product is selling on Amazon.

- BSR can help you identify trends and seasonality in different niches and categories.

- BSR can be used for intuition and creativity when making decisions about which products to sell.


- BSR is just one metric and should not be relied on exclusively when making product decisions.

- BSR can be manipulated by sellers who artificially inflate their sales to improve their ranking.

- BSR can be affected by factors outside of your control, such as changes in Amazon's algorithm or competition from other sellers.


- BSR is a metric used by Amazon to rank products based on their sales performance.

- BSR can be used to find popular and well-selling products on Amazon.

- BSR can also be used to identify trends and seasonality in different niches and categories.

- BSR should be used in conjunction with other metrics and factors when making product decisions.


Q: Can BSR be manipulated by sellers?

A: Yes, some sellers may artificially inflate their sales to improve their BSR. However, Amazon has measures in place to detect and penalize this behavior.

Q: Is BSR the only metric I should use when making product decisions?

A: No, BSR should be used in conjunction with other metrics and factors, such as customer reviews, competition, and profit margins.

Q: Can BSR be affected by changes in Amazon's algorithm?

A: Yes, changes in Amazon's algorithm can affect BSR and other metrics. It's important to stay up-to-date on changes and adapt your strategy accordingly.


- Amazon Best Sellers page: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers/zgbs

- Helium 10: https://www.helium10.com/

- Jungle Scout: https://www.junglescout.com/

- Viral Launch: https://viral-launch.com/

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