What's Good: Team Publishing in Zendesk Guide Enterprise

What's Good: Team Publishing in Zendesk Guide Enterprise

April 4, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Importance of Self-Service Content

3. Team Publishing: A Collaboration Feature

4. Assigning Articles for Updates

5. Reviewing and Approving Content

6. Tracking Article Status

7. Benefits of Team Publishing

8. Challenges and Considerations

9. Conclusion

10. Resources


In today's digital age, self-service content has become an essential component of customer support. It empowers customers to find solutions to their problems independently, saving time and effort for both the customers and the support team. In this article, we will explore the concept of team publishing, a collaboration feature offered by Zendesk's guide Enterprise plan. Team publishing enables organizations to involve multiple team members in the creation, editing, and review process of self-service content, ensuring the development of high-quality knowledgebase articles.

The Importance of Self-Service Content

Self-service content plays a crucial role in providing effective customer support. It allows customers to access information and troubleshoot issues without relying on direct assistance from support agents. By offering comprehensive and well-structured self-service content, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce support ticket volume, and improve overall efficiency. However, creating and maintaining such content requires a collaborative effort from various stakeholders.

Team Publishing: A Collaboration Feature

Zendesk's team publishing feature simplifies the process of creating and updating self-service content. It allows agents, managers, and admins to work together seamlessly, leveraging their expertise to deliver accurate and helpful information to customers. With team publishing, organizations can ensure that the right people are involved in the writing, editing, and review process, resulting in content that meets the highest standards.

Assigning Articles for Updates

Imagine you come across an article that requires new material or improvements. With team publishing, you can easily assign the article to a specific team member responsible for making the necessary updates. Once assigned, the team member receives an email notification, prompting them to take action. This streamlined workflow ensures that articles are continuously updated and improved, keeping the knowledgebase relevant and up to date.

Reviewing and Approving Content

After a team member completes their updates, they can submit the article for review. This step allows other team members to provide feedback, suggest further improvements, or approve the content for publishing. The collaborative review process ensures that articles undergo thorough scrutiny, resulting in accurate and reliable information for customers.

Tracking Article Status

Team publishing introduces new default lists that provide visibility into the status of each article. For example, you can easily identify articles that are awaiting review, those that are in progress, or those that have been approved and ready for publishing. This enhanced visibility allows teams to prioritize their efforts, ensuring that articles are reviewed and published in a timely manner.

Benefits of Team Publishing

Team publishing offers several benefits for organizations striving to build an effective and high-quality knowledgebase. Firstly, it promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members, leveraging their collective expertise. This collaborative approach leads to comprehensive and accurate content that addresses customer needs effectively. Secondly, team publishing streamlines the content creation process, reducing duplication of efforts and ensuring efficient utilization of resources. Lastly, it enables organizations to maintain a consistent tone and style across all self-service content, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Challenges and Considerations

While team publishing brings numerous advantages, it is essential to consider potential challenges. Effective collaboration requires clear communication channels and well-defined roles and responsibilities. Organizations must establish guidelines and processes to ensure smooth coordination among team members. Additionally, maintaining version control and tracking changes becomes crucial when multiple individuals are involved in content creation. By addressing these challenges proactively, organizations can maximize the benefits of team publishing.


Team publishing is a powerful collaboration feature that empowers organizations to create, update, and maintain high-quality self-service content. By involving the right people in the writing, editing, and review process, businesses can ensure the development of accurate and helpful knowledgebase articles. With enhanced visibility into article status and streamlined workflows, team publishing enables organizations to deliver exceptional customer support through comprehensive self-service content.


- [Zendesk's Guide Enterprise Plan](https://www.zendesk.com/guide/)

- [AI Chatbot Product](https://www.voc.ai/product/ai-chatbot)


- Team publishing simplifies collaboration in creating self-service content.

- Assigning articles and tracking their status becomes effortless.

- Reviewing and approving content ensures accuracy and reliability.

- Team publishing promotes knowledge sharing and efficient resource utilization.

- Clear communication and well-defined roles are crucial for effective collaboration.


**Q: How does team publishing benefit customer support?**

A: Team publishing enables organizations to involve multiple team members in creating and updating self-service content, resulting in comprehensive and accurate information for customers.

**Q: Can team publishing help streamline content creation?**

A: Yes, team publishing simplifies the process by assigning articles, tracking their status, and facilitating collaborative review and approval, reducing duplication of efforts.

**Q: What challenges should organizations consider when implementing team publishing?**

A: Clear communication, well-defined roles, version control, and tracking changes are important considerations to ensure effective collaboration and maintain content quality.

**Q: Where can I find more information about Zendesk's Guide Enterprise plan?**

A: You can visit [Zendesk's website](https://www.zendesk.com/guide/) for more details on their Guide Enterprise plan.

**Q: How can I reduce the workload on customer services?**

A: Introducing an AI chatbot, such as [Voc.AI's AI Chatbot](https://www.voc.ai/product/ai-chatbot), can automate a significant amount of work in customer services, providing efficient and personalized support to customers.

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