If I were to start an Amazon shop in 2024, I would do it!

If I were to start an Amazon shop in 2024, I would do it!

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

In this video, I want to show you how to start selling on Amazon FBA and make a million dollars. I'll give you the five steps you need to take and I'll also link to more detailed videos on each of these steps.

So the first step is to find a product to sell. You want to find a product that has a high demand and a low supply. You can do this by using Helium 10's product research tools.

Once you've found a product, you need to find a supplier. You can find suppliers on Alibaba or other online marketplaces. When choosing a supplier, you want to make sure that they have a good reputation and that they can provide you with the product in a timely manner.

The next step is to create your listing. You want to make sure that your listing is optimized for Amazon's search algorithm. You can do this by using keywords, bullet points, and images that will help your product stand out from the competition.

Once you've created your listing, you need to start generating reviews. You can do this by asking your friends and family to buy your product and leave a review. You can also offer discounts or giveaways to encourage people to leave reviews.

Finally, you need to start selling your product. You can do this by running PPC ads or by using Amazon's own advertising platform.

If you're interested in learning more about how to start selling on Amazon FBA, I encourage you to check out my course or my other videos.

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