We flew to CHINA to negotiate a $1m Amazon product!

We flew to CHINA to negotiate a $1m Amazon product!

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

Exploring China: A Journey to Meet Our Suppliers and Build Relationships

China is a country that has always fascinated me. Its rich history, culture, and traditions have always been a source of inspiration for me. So, when my business partner Tom and I decided to visit China to meet our suppliers and build relationships, I was thrilled. In this article, I will take you on a journey through our experiences in China, from meeting our suppliers to exploring the Great Wall.

Meeting Our Suppliers: Building Relationships

One of the main reasons for our trip to China was to meet our suppliers. We have been working with some of them for nearly three years, but we had never met them in person. We wanted to build relationships with them and get to know them better. We believe that building strong relationships with our suppliers is essential for the success of our business.

We met our suppliers in their offices and factories, and we were impressed by their professionalism and dedication. We had tea with them, went out for lunch and dinner, and even got drunk with them. We learned that building relationships in China is not just about business; it's also about getting to know the person behind the business.

Exploring the Great Wall: A Wonder of the World

While we were in China, we couldn't miss the opportunity to visit the Great Wall. We didn't plan to visit it initially, but we realized that we were only an hour away from it, so we decided to drop by. The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world, and it was an incredible experience to see it in person.

The Great Wall is unbelievably steep, and it was challenging to climb it. But the view from the top was breathtaking. We could see the wall stretching for miles, and it was a humbling experience to think about the history and effort that went into building it.

Custom Products: Designing and Manufacturing

Another reason for our trip to China was to work on custom products. We had some products designed by a designer in the States, and we wanted to see if our suppliers could manufacture them. We visited their factories and saw some of our products being made. We were impressed by the quality of their work and their attention to detail.

Custom products take a lot of time to get through, but we wanted to speed up the process. We knew that if we could knock off a significant amount of time, we could get to market this year with our products. Some of the products we're looking at will easily be million-dollar-plus-a-year products.

Pros and Cons of Doing Business in China

Doing business in China has its pros and cons. On the one hand, China is a massive market with a growing middle class, and there are many opportunities for businesses. On the other hand, there are challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and intellectual property issues.

One of the pros of doing business in China is the low cost of manufacturing. China has a vast manufacturing industry, and the cost of labor is relatively low. This makes it an attractive destination for businesses looking to manufacture products at a lower cost.

However, there are also cons to doing business in China. One of the biggest challenges is the language barrier. Many Chinese suppliers do not speak English, which can make communication difficult. Cultural differences can also be a challenge, as what is acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable in another.


- Meeting our suppliers and building relationships

- Exploring the Great Wall

- Designing and manufacturing custom products

- Pros and cons of doing business in China


Q: Is it essential to build relationships with suppliers in China?

A: Yes, building relationships with suppliers in China is essential for the success of your business. It helps to establish trust and ensures that your suppliers are committed to delivering high-quality products.

Q: What are the challenges of doing business in China?

A: The challenges of doing business in China include language barriers, cultural differences, and intellectual property issues.

Q: What are the pros of doing business in China?

A: The pros of doing business in China include the low cost of manufacturing and the vast market opportunities.


- The Great Wall of China: https://www.chinahighlights.com/greatwall/

- Doing Business in China: https://www.export.gov/article?id=China-Doing-Business-in-China

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