Unveiling the Truth: What Amazon FBA Gurus Won't Tell You.

Unveiling the Truth: What Amazon FBA Gurus Won't Tell You.

October 21, 2024
Author: Clark Sang

Table of Contents:

1. The Truth About Amazon FBA That Gurus Won't Tell You

2. How Much Money Can You Really Make Selling on Amazon?

3. The Real Costs of Starting an Amazon Business

4. Can You Really Start an Amazon Business with Zero Dollars?

5. How Long Does It Take to Start Seeing Profits on Amazon?

6. Is Amazon FBA Truly Passive Income?

7. My Honest Amazon FBA Results and Numbers

8. Introducing the AI Chatbot to Streamline Customer Service

9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

10. Resources

**The Truth About Amazon FBA That Gurus Won't Tell You** šŸ”

I'm going to expose the five most common things that Amazon gurus lie to you about. Starting with how much money you can actually make selling on Amazon. While there are products on Amazon making millions of dollars per month, the reality is that only around 1% of Amazon sellers have made over $1 million in profit. In fact, 91% of Amazon sellers make less than $100,000 in profit.

**How Much Money Can You Really Make Selling on Amazon?** šŸ’°

The numbers that Amazon gurus often share are the revenue numbers, not the profit numbers. I'm going to share some real-life examples of what people have actually made in profit from their Amazon businesses. For instance, Brent did $800,000 in revenue with $300,000 in profit in his first year. AJ did $500,000 in sales with $170,000 in profit. But not everyone sees these kinds of crazy results - some people only do $40,000 in revenue with $9,000 in profit in their first year.

**The Real Costs of Starting an Amazon Business** šŸ’ø

Contrary to what gurus say, you can't start an Amazon business with little to no money. At a minimum, you're looking at around $1,000 to get started. But a more realistic budget is closer to $5,000, which includes things like product samples, inventory, trademarks, software, and marketing. I'll break down all the different costs you need to account for.

**Can You Really Start an Amazon Business with Zero Dollars?** šŸ’µ

While it is possible to start an Amazon business with no money, it's going to take a lot of time and effort. I'll explain how you can use crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter to raise the capital you need to get started without spending your own money. I've had students raise over $100,000 this way.

**How Long Does It Take to Start Seeing Profits on Amazon?** ā±ļø

The truth is, it takes most Amazon sellers around 1 year to become profitable. 22% are profitable within the first 3 months, 13% within 3-6 months, and 19% within 6 months to a year. But it can take over 2 years for some. I'll share my own first-year numbers to give you a realistic expectation.

**Is Amazon FBA Truly Passive Income?** šŸ¤”

This is a controversial topic, but the answer is both yes and no. While Amazon FBA does allow you to have a more passive business model compared to traditional retail, it's not completely hands-off. I'll explain what I mean by "passive income" and share the pros and cons.

**My Honest Amazon FBA Results and Numbers** šŸ“Š

I've done over $7 million in online sales, with over $2 million in profit. But I'm not the best Amazon seller out there. I'll share the details of my first Amazon business that failed, as well as the numbers from my successful passion product launch that generated $120,000 in profit in the first year.

**Introducing the AI Chatbot to Streamline Customer Service** šŸ¤–

If you're selling on Amazon, you'll likely need to provide customer support. This AI chatbot from [https://www.voc.ai/product/ai-chatbot](https://www.voc.ai/product/ai-chatbot) can automatically handle a large volume of customer inquiries, saving you time and money on customer service.

**Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)** ā“

Q: Can you really make a million dollars selling on Amazon?

A: While it's possible, only about 1% of Amazon sellers have achieved over $1 million in profit. The majority make less than $100,000 in profit.

Q: How much money do I need to start an Amazon business?

A: At a minimum, you're looking at around $1,000. But a more realistic budget is closer to $5,000 to account for all the different startup costs.

Q: Is Amazon FBA truly passive income?

A: It's a mix. Amazon FBA allows for a more passive business model compared to traditional retail. But it still requires ongoing work to maintain your listings and stay competitive.


- [https://www.voc.ai/product/ai-chatbot](https://www.voc.ai/product/ai-chatbot)

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