Unscripted 2023: Customer Session - Cloud Cost Management

Unscripted 2023: Customer Session - Cloud Cost Management

April 16, 2024
Author: Big Y


* **Jay from Advanced**

* Advanced is a software vendor with over 3000 employees and a multi-billion dollar ARR.

* They have a mixed range of architectures, including multiple VMs, containerized Solutions, Kubernetes clusters, and a mainframe.

* Their cloud estate is about 160 AWS accounts and 400 Azure subscriptions across 16 tenant groups.

* They moved to the cloud about a decade ago and have been on a journey to optimize their cloud costs ever since.

* **Andy from United**

* United is a large airline with over 100,000 employees and a revenue of over $40 billion.

* They are a startup-like company that is constantly innovating.

* They are always looking for ways to improve the customer experience.

* They use a scrappy mentality to get things done.

* **Discussion**

* The importance of having a strong leadership team that supports a culture of cost optimization.

* The need to educate finance teams on cloud economics.

* The importance of having a budget for innovation and putting guardrails in place to ensure that innovation doesn't stifle cost governance.

* The challenges of associating revenue with cost savings.

* The benefits of using CCM to reduce cloud spend.

* The reasons why a company would choose to implement CCM.

- End -
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