Ultimate Guide to Shipping Products to Amazon Fulfillment Centers: Domestic and International Scenarios.

Ultimate Guide to Shipping Products to Amazon Fulfillment Centers: Domestic and International Scenarios.

October 21, 2024
Author: Clark Sang

Table of Contents

🚀 Shipping Products from the US to Amazon Fulfillment Centers

🏠 Shipping Domestically Within the US

🌍 Shipping Internationally from China to Amazon

**Shipping Products from the US to Amazon Fulfillment Centers**

🏠 Shipping Domestically Within the US

- Gathering Required Information - Creating the Shipment Workflow in Amazon Seller Central - Choosing Inventory to Send - Packing Details: Individual Units vs. Case Packed - Inbound Placement Service Fee - Selecting the Shipping Carrier - Printing Box Labels and FN SKU Labels

🌍 Shipping Internationally from China to Amazon

- Entering Supplier's Ship-From Address - Exploring Amazon Global Logistics for International Shipping - Navigating the Shipment Workflow for International Shipments - Preparing for Customs and Duties

**Shipping Products from the US to Amazon Fulfillment Centers**

🏠 Shipping Domestically Within the US

The first step in shipping your products to Amazon's fulfillment centers within the US is to gather some key information. This includes your ship-from address, the type of shipping paper you have access to, the shipping carrier and freight method, the number of units you're sending and how many boxes they'll be in, as well as the shipment packing type, box dimensions, and shipping weight. Once you have this information, you can start creating the shipment workflow in Amazon Seller Central. First, you'll choose the inventory you want to send, making sure to select the correct "ship from" address. Then, you'll need to decide whether to use individual units or case-packed units for your packing details. Amazon has specific requirements around the number of units per box, so be sure to review those carefully. You'll also need to account for the new inbound placement service fee that Amazon charges for each unit you send in. When it comes to selecting the shipping carrier, I highly recommend using Amazon's partnered carrier, UPS, as this will give you the most cost-effective shipping rates. Finally, you'll print out the necessary box labels and FN SKU labels to properly identify your shipment.

🌍 Shipping Internationally from China to Amazon

For international shipments from your supplier in China to Amazon's US fulfillment centers, the process starts with entering your supplier's accurate ship-from address into the workflow. One of the key benefits here is that you can now explore Amazon's Global Logistics service, which provides a simple, reliable, and cost-effective way to handle your international shipping. This can save you a lot of time and hassle compared to trying to coordinate the shipping yourself. As you navigate the international shipment workflow, you'll need to provide details on the packing, dimensions, and weight, just like the domestic scenario. But Amazon's Global Logistics service will help ensure your products clear customs and make it to the right fulfillment centers. No matter if you're shipping domestically or internationally, the key is to thoroughly prepare all the necessary information upfront. This will help the process go smoothly and ensure your products get to Amazon quickly and cost-effectively. Highlights: - Gather required information like ship-from address, shipping paper type, carrier, unit counts, and packing details - Use Amazon Seller Central to create the shipment workflow - Understand individual units vs. case-packed units and Amazon's requirements - Leverage Amazon's partnered carrier (UPS) for domestic shipments to save on costs - Explore Amazon Global Logistics for simplified international shipping from your supplier FAQs: Q: What if my product exceeds Amazon's box size or weight limits? A: If any single dimension of your box exceeds 25 inches or the total weight is over 50 lbs, you'll need to split your shipment into multiple boxes to meet Amazon's requirements. Q: Can I print my own box labels and FN SKU labels? A: Yes, you can print these labels on standard white paper or thermal printing paper, depending on what you have access to. Just be sure not to cover the barcodes with tape. Q: How do I handle customs and duties for international shipments? A: When using Amazon's Global Logistics service, they will guide you through the customs process to ensure your products clear without issue. Resources: - Amazon Seller Central: https://sellercentral.amazon.com - Amazon Global Logistics: https://sell.amazon.com/global-logistics.html - VOC.ai AI Chatbot: https://www.voc.ai/product/ai-chatbot

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