TOP 7 Winning Digital Product Ideas to Make Money Online (Digital Dropshipping)

TOP 7 Winning Digital Product Ideas to Make Money Online (Digital Dropshipping)

March 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

7 Winning Digital Products to Sell Online

Are you looking for a way to make money online? Selling digital products is a great way to do it. Once you create a digital product, you can sell it over and over again. In this article, we will share with you our seven favorite digital products to sell online.

Online Courses

Online courses are a great way to make money online. Companies like Udemy have a huge range of digital products and courses available for sale. You can pretty much search every category under the sun. If you already have a niche, you can type it in and see what kind of products people are currently selling. Quick disclaimer, we don't recommend selling low ticket courses. We recommend selling high ticket courses. If you want to see a video talking about specifically high ticket courses, let us know down below in the comments section.


Ebooks are great to sell as a standalone product. They're easy to create as opposed to an online course. Ebooks are very versatile. You can give them away for free to get people to join your list. You can add them as upsells or order bumps. Most of the time, ebooks are already done. You don't have to go out there and create your own. For example, has a PLR store where you can come over here and check out all of the ready for you, ready to sell products.


Templates are an absolute must. You can find a bunch of templates already on Etsy. Templates are pre-built things. You can use them to shortcut your time. For example, we have pre-built funnels that people can come in here and purchase for themselves. These are fully done templates already for people to purchase.


Services are a great way to layer on additional things into your businesses. You want to save people time with your services. That's why they want to hire you. For example, we have our Platinum program, which builds and launches a funnel for our clients.

Paid Communities

A lot of people love to sell paid communities. If you're going to be selling a community, it needs to be active. There needs to be other people in there collaborating. The easiest way to continuously have that engagement in there is through webinars.


Planners are selling like crazy during this time of year. You can find a ton of digital products on Etsy for ideas and things like that.

Live Experiences

Live experiences are probably going to be the hardest one to pull off and probably a more advanced one, but you could charge a lot of money for that.

In conclusion, selling digital products is a great way to make money online. You can create a digital product once and sell it over and over again. We hope this article has given you some ideas for digital products to sell online.

Pros and Cons


- Once you create a digital product, you can sell it over and over again.

- Digital products are a great way to make money online.

- Selling digital products can save people time.


- Creating digital products can be time-consuming.

- It can be challenging to find the right niche for your digital product.


- Online courses are a great way to make money online.

- Ebooks are great to sell as a standalone product.

- Templates are an absolute must.

- Services are a great way to layer on additional things into your businesses.

- Paid communities need to be active.

- Planners are selling like crazy during this time of year.

- Live experiences are probably going to be the hardest one to pull off and probably a more advanced one, but you could charge a lot of money for that.


Q: What are digital products?

A: Digital products are products that are created and distributed in digital form.

Q: What are some examples of digital products?

A: Some examples of digital products include online courses, ebooks, templates, services, paid communities, planners, and live experiences.

Q: How can I create a digital product?

A: You can create a digital product by identifying a need in the market, creating a product that solves that need, and marketing and selling that product.

Q: How can I sell my digital product?

A: You can sell your digital product through your website, social media, email marketing, and other online channels.

Q: How much money can I make selling digital products?

A: The amount of money you can make selling digital products depends on the product, the niche, and your marketing and sales efforts.

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