Top 5 Shopify Apps You NEED to Use in 2023 (Dropshipping Tips)

Top 5 Shopify Apps You NEED to Use in 2023 (Dropshipping Tips)

April 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Must-Have Shopify Apps for Drop Shipping

1. Ali Reviews: Adding Reviews to Your Store

2. Uplinky Sticky Cart: Increasing Conversion Rates

3. Candy Rack: Upselling and Cross-Selling

4. Tractor: Order Tracking for Customers

5. SMS Bump: Text Message Marketing

3. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore five must-have Shopify apps that every drop shipper should consider adding to their store. These apps are designed to enhance your store's functionality, increase conversion rates, and improve customer satisfaction. By incorporating these apps into your Shopify store, you can boost sales and profitability. So, let's dive in and discover the essential apps that will take your drop shipping business to the next level.

Must-Have Shopify Apps for Drop Shipping

Ali Reviews: Adding Reviews to Your Store

🔍 **Ali Reviews: The Power of Customer Feedback**

One of the best ways to build trust with potential customers is by showcasing positive reviews. Ali Reviews is an excellent app that allows you to easily import product reviews from AliExpress and other websites. With a 4.9-star rating and over 12,000 reviews, this app is highly regarded in the drop shipping community.

By using Ali Reviews, you can import reviews, follow up with customers via email and SMS marketing, and encourage them to leave feedback. The app offers a free plan, but for more flexibility, I recommend the starter plan, which allows unlimited reviews per product. Additionally, the bulk review importer feature streamlines the process, making it more efficient.


- Easy import of product reviews

- Email and SMS marketing integration

- Bulk review importer for faster setup


- Free plan limited to five reviews per product

Uplinky Sticky Cart: Increasing Conversion Rates

🛒 **Uplinky Sticky Cart: Simplify the Buying Process**

The Uplinky Sticky Cart app is a game-changer when it comes to improving conversion rates on your Shopify store. This app allows customers to click the "Add to Cart" button from anywhere on the product page, making it more convenient for them to make a purchase.

With the Uplinky Sticky Cart app, you can display the cart button at the bottom of the screen, ensuring it remains visible as customers scroll through your product page. The app offers a free plan that includes all the necessary features to boost conversions.


- Convenient "Add to Cart" button placement

- Increased visibility and accessibility

- Free plan available with essential features


- Limited customization options

Candy Rack: Upselling and Cross-Selling

🍭 **Candy Rack: Boost Average Order Value**

Candy Rack is an absolute must-have app for any drop shipper looking to increase their average order value and profit margins. This app allows you to upsell and cross-sell products to customers during the checkout process, maximizing your revenue potential.

With Candy Rack, you can create enticing offers and bundles to encourage customers to add more items to their cart. By offering related products or complementary items, you can increase the overall value of each order. The app offers a 14-day trial and costs only $29.99 per month, making it a worthwhile investment.


- Effective upselling and cross-selling capabilities

- Easy creation of enticing offers and bundles

- Affordable pricing with a 14-day trial


- Additional cost beyond the trial period

Tractor: Order Tracking for Customers

🚚 **Tractor: Real-Time Order Tracking**

Tractor is the ultimate order tracking app for your Shopify store. It allows customers to track their orders in real-time, providing them with

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