TOP 10 Crypto Altcoins Set to 10X By March (DON'T MISS OUT)

TOP 10 Crypto Altcoins Set to 10X By March (DON'T MISS OUT)

March 19, 2024
Author: Big Y

Crypto 10x Altcoins for the Bull Run 2023: GambleFi, BTC Ordinals, AI

Hey guys Brian here and welcome back to my channel today we're going to be talking about crypto 10x altcoins for the bull run of 2023 so before we get started just a quick disclaimer all of the information within this video is for entertainment and educational purposes only nothing I say constitutes financial advice and it should not be taken as such please do your own research before investing in anything with your own money so with that being said let's get started now we're going to be going over 10 different crypto altcoins that I believe could potentially do a 10x or more this season now I'm going to start off with a few more conservative plays and then I'm going to go into some of the riskier plays now keep in mind with these higher risk plays I'm not saying that you should go all in on them I'm just saying that if you're looking to make some life-changing wealth these are the types of plays that you want to be looking for all right so let's kick things off with some more conservative plays first up we have exchange tokens now exchange tokens during a proper Bull Run exchange tokens often see a surge in demand due to increased trading volume and we've seen this firsthand with price action from before now while a lot of people are risking their entire net worth and mortgaging everything they have on these other plays that I'm going to talk about in a bit I believe exchange tokens still give you a layer of safety take a look right now even alongside the red that we're seeing with Bitcoin exchange tokens are still holding up fairly well so one exchange token that I'm bullish on especially this year is going to be Crow so Crow has rebranded to Kronos also known as the coin when they first released they're also called Monero this is some old school news not relevant to today but while they were developing their exchange and coming out their app they were also developing their own coin now Crow at one point during the peak hit 81 cents currently they're at 8 cents this right here is already positioning itself to be a 10x if it goes back to those previous all-

all-time highs now if we compare the price action to Crow and what we've seen even with Bitcoin you'll notice that Crow actually took off much later within the bull market cycle now what I found most interesting is how Crow has not had any crazy price movement even though Bitcoin this time around has been experiencing some decent type of growth with Crow just kind of consolidating they're at a market cap of over $47 billion and Crow just having a fraction of that I think exchange tokens still give you a layer of safety where as long as the crypto Market is clearly bullish these are tokens that I think will naturally go up without having the risk of just losing everything so another good option would be okb this token here is related to okx and they have a much larger market cap than crypto. coin but okx is also one of the largest exchanges in the world and they currently rank third in terms of liquidity and fourth in trading volume now okb has also forever been in an uptrend since it's launch in January 2019 from recent lows in June 2022 okb is up over 450% with the current price of $55 now okb made an all-time high back a month ago in December and it managed to climb to $65 but however since then it has fallen 15% which is in line with all the other crypto altcoins that we've seen in the market what I love about exchange tokens is that I believe this actually has real utility where as long as the crypto Market is still clearly bullish these are tokens that I think will naturally go up without having the risk of just losing everything so okay so upcoming next I'm actually pretty excited about this narrative here and this is surrounding salana this is because with salana I had a lot of involvement in the previous Bull Run we were flipping 10 to $20,000 nfts almost weekly within the salana ecosystem and what's even more interesting than that is just how far along salana has outperformed its competitor allcoins in the past few years so taking a look at the chart Crow got basically a 10x in the last year their market cap is a fraction of salana but what I love about salana is that they tend to Rally hard at the start of any Market cycle now I personally think salana could rally once again but if you want that 10x you're not going to be considering salana at its current price even if Bitcoin was at $100,

$100,000 so what's the play behind this well you can invest into

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