Tom's 1st Amazon Product Made $47k PROFIT in 30 days

Tom's 1st Amazon Product Made $47k PROFIT in 30 days

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

🔍 The Fundamentals of a Successful Amazon FBA Product Launch

Are you looking to launch your first Amazon FBA product but don't know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we'll outline the fundamentals of a successful Amazon FBA product launch that will help you achieve the same level of success as Tom, who made over $168,000 in sales and $4,000 in net profit in just over a month after launching his first product.

📊 Fundamental #1: Budget Alignment

The first fundamental that many Amazon gurus overlook is budget alignment. Your budget needs to align with the size of the niche you're looking to enter. If you launch a product and then stock out after five days, you've just thrown your investment down the drain. Tom had a big budget of $100,000 to get started with his product in the baby niche, which has huge demand. If you have a smaller budget, you can still achieve similar results by launching into a smaller niche using the same fundamentals.

📝 Fundamental #2: Top-Class Listing

The second fundamental that Tom applied is building a top-class listing based around his ideal customer's questions, needs, fears, and doubts. Many beginners hire the cheapest designer they can find or try to do the product photography themselves to save money. In the end, it ends up costing them money rather than making them money. Tom built an incredible-looking listing with an incredible hero image that popped off the page. He had product images that clearly addressed every single key benefit and top-class product videos and A+ premium content.

💰 Fundamental #3: Structured Aggressive Launch with Amazon PPC

The third fundamental that Tom absolutely nailed is a well-structured aggressive launch with Amazon PPC. You need to use Amazon advertising in a structured way where you're hitting every single target keyword super aggressively so that you drive as many sales as possible. If you just set your product live with an auto campaign hoping to get a few sales, you're not going to do very well. You need to be priced low so that you maximize your conversion rate and be covering every single relevant keyword with your PPC so that you drive as many sales as possible.

🧠 Fundamental #4: Mindset

The final fundamental that many people overlook is mindset. From the beginning, Tom knew that if he followed the playbook that they teach, if he applied the right fundamentals, he would have success. He didn't spend six months going round and round in circles trying to decide what product to sell. He found a niche with great demand that fits his budget, did some customizations to the product so that it can stand out, and negotiated a great price. Then he absolutely smashed it with an aggressive product launch. It's that simple.

🎉 New Year Offer

If you're interested in joining Honest FBA, they have a $1,000 discount running right now to celebrate it being 2024. Check out the video description to learn more.

🎯 Conclusion

In conclusion, these fundamentals are things that many Amazon gurus get completely wrong. They either get them completely wrong or they just completely overlook them. By following these fundamentals, you can achieve the same level of success as Tom. Remember to align your budget with the size of the niche you're looking to enter, build a top-class listing, have a well-structured aggressive launch with Amazon PPC, and have the right mindset.

🌟 Highlights

- Align your budget with the size of the niche you're looking to enter.

- Build a top-class listing based around your ideal customer's questions, needs, fears, and doubts.

- Have a well-structured aggressive launch with Amazon PPC.

- Have the right mindset.


Q: What is Amazon FBA?

A: Amazon FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon. It's a service provided by Amazon that allows sellers to store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers. Amazon then picks, packs, and ships the products to the customer on behalf of the seller.

Q: How much does it cost to launch an Amazon FBA product?

A: The cost of launching an Amazon FBA product varies depending on the niche you're looking to enter. You need to align your budget with the size of the niche you're looking to enter.

Q: How do I build a top-class listing?

A: To build a top-class listing, you need to address your ideal customer's questions, needs, fears, and doubts. You need to have an incredible hero image, product images that clearly address every single key benefit, and top-class product videos and A+ premium content.

Q: What is Amazon PPC?

A: Amazon PPC stands for Amazon Pay-Per-Click. It's a form of advertising on Amazon where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

🌐 Resources

- Honest FBA:

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