This ONE Automated Side Hustle Makes $650+/day (HOW TO START NOW)

This ONE Automated Side Hustle Makes $650+/day (HOW TO START NOW)

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

**Table of Contents**

1. Introduction

2. How to Make $20,000 a Month with Faceless YouTube Videos

* Step 1: Find a Niche

* Step 2: Use Nira AI to Create Videos

* Step 3: Edit and Optimize Your Videos

* Step 4: Monetize Your Videos

3. Benefits of Using Nira AI for YouTube Automation

* Save Time

* Generate Passive Income

* Grow Your Audience

4. Resources

5. FAQs


In this article, I will show you how to make $20,000 a month with faceless YouTube videos. I will teach you how to use Nira AI, a powerful tool that can help you create high-quality videos quickly and easily.

**How to Make $20,000 a Month with Faceless YouTube Videos**

1. **Find a Niche**

The first step is to find a niche for your YouTube channel. You want to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you know a lot about. This will make it easier for you to create high-quality content that your audience will enjoy.

2. **Use Nira AI to Create Videos**

Once you have found a niche, you can use Nira AI to create your videos. Nira AI is a powerful tool that can help you create videos quickly and easily. You can simply type in a topic, and Nira AI will generate a video script for you. You can then use this script to create your own video.

3. **Edit and Optimize Your Videos**

Once you have created your video, you need to edit it and optimize it for YouTube. This includes adding a title, description, tags, and thumbnail. You should also make sure that your video is high quality and that it meets YouTube's guidelines.

4. **Monetize Your Videos**

Once your videos are published, you can start monetizing them. You can do this by enabling ads on your videos. You can also sell products or services through your videos.

**Benefits of Using Nira AI for YouTube Automation**

There are many benefits to using Nira AI for YouTube automation. These benefits include:

* Save Time

Nira AI can help you save time by creating videos quickly and easily. This means that you can focus on other aspects of your business, such as marketing and promotion.

* Generate Passive Income

Once your videos are published, they can generate passive income for you. This means that you can continue to make money from your videos even after you have stopped creating them.

* Grow Your Audience

Nira AI can help you grow your audience by creating high-quality videos that your audience will enjoy. This will lead to more views, subscribers, and engagement.


Here are some resources that you can use to learn more about YouTube automation:

* [Nira AI](

* [YouTube Automation Course](

* [YouTube Automation Blog](


Q: How much does it cost to use Nira AI?

A: Nira AI has a free plan that allows you to create up to 5 videos per month. The plus plan costs $20 per month and allows you to create unlimited videos.

Q: How long does it take to create a video with Nira AI?

A: It takes about 5 minutes to create a video with Nira AI.

Q: How much money can I make with faceless YouTube videos?

A: There is no limit to how much money you can make with faceless YouTube videos. However, you can expect to make a few hundred dollars per month if you are consistent with your uploads and you promote your videos effectively.

Q: What are the best topics to create faceless YouTube videos about?

A: Some of the best topics to create faceless YouTube videos about include:

* Motivation

* Education

* Travel

* Technology

* Health and fitness

* Entertainment

Q: What are the best ways to promote your faceless YouTube videos?

A: Some of the best ways to promote your faceless YouTube videos include:

* Sharing them on social media

* Submitting them to YouTube playlists

* Running paid advertising campaigns

* Collaborating with other YouTubers

Q: What are the best tools to use for editing and optimizing your faceless YouTube videos?

A: Some of the best tools to use for editing and optimizing your faceless YouTube videos include:

* [Adobe

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