This is the exact Amazon category you should sell in.

This is the exact Amazon category you should sell in.

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

What to Sell on Amazon FBA: Tips for Beginners

Are you feeling overwhelmed about what to sell on Amazon FBA? With millions of products being sold every day, it can be challenging to know where to start. In this article, we'll provide you with tips on how to choose the right category and products to sell on Amazon FBA.

πŸ“Œ Focus on One Category

When starting out, it's best to focus on one category. By diving deep into a category, you can find the best suppliers and the most profitable products. If you rely on the easiest-to-find suppliers, you may not have the best luck finding profitable products.

πŸ“Œ Choose a Category You're Interested In

Consider picking a category that aligns with your interests or hobbies. For example, if you enjoy fishing, start looking for suppliers related to the sports and outdoors category that sell fishing supplies or equipment. As you search for suppliers, you may find that they also sell other sports and outdoors-related products, such as hunting or camping equipment.

πŸ“Œ Pick a Category You're Knowledgeable In

If you have specific knowledge or skills in a particular category, use that to your advantage. For example, if you used to work at a camera store, you may know all the popular brands related to the camera category and which products sell faster or are more profitable.

πŸ“Œ Choose a Category at Random

If you don't have any specific interests or knowledge, you can choose a category at random. To do this, go to Amazon's website, pick a category, and start searching for suppliers related to a specific product. For example, if you choose the pet supplies category, you can narrow it down to the dogs subcategory and then to apparel and accessories.

πŸ“Œ Build Momentum

The goal is to build momentum. Start by focusing on one category and then expand to other categories. By taking action and building confidence, you can overcome barriers of entry and find success on Amazon FBA.

πŸ“Œ Pros and Cons


- Focusing on one category can help you find the best suppliers and most profitable products.

- Choosing a category you're interested in or knowledgeable in can give you an advantage.

- Choosing a category at random can lead to unexpected opportunities.


- Focusing on one category may limit your options.

- Choosing a category you're not interested in or knowledgeable in may be challenging.

πŸ“Œ Highlights

- Focus on one category to find the best suppliers and most profitable products.

- Choose a category you're interested in or knowledgeable in to give yourself an advantage.

- Choose a category at random to explore unexpected opportunities.

- Building momentum is key to finding success on Amazon FBA.


Q: How do I find suppliers on Amazon FBA?

A: You can search for suppliers on Amazon's website or use third-party tools to find suppliers.

Q: How do I know which products to sell?

A: Research the market and look for products with high demand and low competition.

Q: How do I build momentum on Amazon FBA?

A: Take action, build confidence, and expand to other categories.


- Amazon's website

- Third-party tools for finding suppliers

- End -
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