This Affiliate Strategy is Making Me $250/Day (2024)

This Affiliate Strategy is Making Me $250/Day (2024)

March 28, 2024
Author: Big Y

🚀 How to Make $250 Per Day with Affiliate Marketing: Lessons Learned

Are you looking to make money with affiliate marketing? Do you want to learn how to promote a product successfully and make up to $250 per day in commissions? In this article, I will show you exactly how I am doing it and the two important lessons I have learned promoting this product over the past month.

Table of Contents

- Introduction

- Lesson 1: Use the Product You're Promoting

- Lesson 2: Build a Community for Your Leads

- How I'm Promoting the Product

- Conclusion

- Highlights


Lesson 1: Use the Product You're Promoting

The first lesson I want you to take away from this article is to use the product you're promoting. You want to be the case study of the product and the testimonial of the product because who's a better person to promote it than the person who's actually having success with it? If you can show yourself using the product and showing how it's helping you, it's easier to sell.

For every product that I've made over $110,000 from, there's some products I made over a million dollars in commissions from, it's products that I've actually been using them and I know how they work. I believe in them, so they're easier to sell. Not only that, but I can be the case study of that product.

Lesson 2: Build a Community for Your Leads

The second lesson is to build a community for your leads. The main reason for this is you get them talking and using the product together. You get them talking about the product and all using the product together, and it makes it so new leads that came into your community see everyone else talking about the product.

If you have a community and you're offering it as a lead magnet, all the people who have not bought the product yet, they get to go into your community and see everyone else talking about the product. That's how people buy. They want to see the social proof. They want to see that they're not going to get scammed or ripped off. They want to see real people using it and getting results with it.

How I'm Promoting the Product

The product I'm promoting is called Apex Trader funding. It's a trading fund that gives people funds to actually trade with if you pass their valuation. The way it works is a monthly subscription plan. I get recurring commissions from this product every single month.

I started promoting this product not only because I love recurring affiliate programs but mainly because it's a product that I'm actually using. I'm documenting myself using the actual product. I'm able to show myself not only give a helpful tutorial of how to use the product but show myself actually getting results with it.

I'm able to show that in the video. That's what led to my success promoting this product. From this product, I've made thousands and thousands of dollars in commissions from this product alone.


In conclusion, if you want to make money with affiliate marketing, use the product you're promoting, and build a community for your leads. These two lessons will help you find success way faster and easier in affiliate marketing.


- Use the product you're promoting

- Build a community for your leads

- Promote products you believe in

- Show yourself using the product

- Get social proof

- Recurring affiliate programs are great

- Discord communities are better than Facebook groups


Q: What is Apex Trader funding?

A: Apex Trader funding is a trading fund that gives people funds to actually trade with if you pass their valuation.

Q: How much money can I make with affiliate marketing?

A: It depends on the product you're promoting and how well you're promoting it.

Q: What is a lead magnet?

A: A lead magnet is something you offer to your leads in exchange for their email address.

Q: What is social proof?

A: Social proof is the idea that people will conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior.

Q: What is a recurring affiliate program?

A: A recurring affiliate program is a program that pays you a commission every month for as long as the customer you referred remains a customer.


- Apex Trader funding:

- Quano Cap:

- Discord:

- Affiliate Marketing Guide:

- End -
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