The TRUTH On Why Shopify Dropshipping Doesn't Work.

The TRUTH On Why Shopify Dropshipping Doesn't Work.

March 21, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 Drop Shipping: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Drop shipping has become a popular way for people to start their own online businesses. With the promise of huge profits and minimal investment, it's no wonder that so many people are jumping on the bandwagon. However, the reality is that drop shipping is not as easy as it seems. In fact, many beginners fail because they make common mistakes that could have been avoided. In this article, we will discuss the top five reasons why people fail at drop shipping and how to avoid them.

📦 Picking the Wrong Products

One of the biggest mistakes that beginners make is picking the wrong products to sell. Many people choose products that look flashy or are easily available on Amazon, without considering whether they have the potential to scale. To be successful in drop shipping, you need to choose products that solve a problem. This makes it easier to use the pain-agitate-solve method when advertising your product. You also want to choose products that are unique and have a wow factor. But most importantly, you need to have a lot of marketing angles for your product. The more marketing angles you have, the higher your chances of success. Each marketing angle should target a specific demographic of the audience within a certain niche of that product.

💰 Perception of Value

The second reason why people fail at drop shipping is the perception of value. If you're selling a product for $50 and it looks like you got it for $20, then you will probably not get too far. There will be so many competitors out there on Amazon or even AliExpress that are selling your product for cheaper. A great way to command a good price for a product, even if it can be found cheaper elsewhere online, is branding, as well as a very strong marketing angle. Another way to command a good price is to offer a strong bundle or upsell that complements the product. You need to think outside the box to make people believe why they should take this offer.

🌐 Overall Store Design

The third common reason that people fail with drop shipping is their overall store design. In the beginning, you can't afford to half-create a website and put half the amount of effort into it just to get your store up and running as quickly as possible. You need to think about your website and your landing page as the salesman of your brand. You want it to be clean, concise, and easy to check out. You need to make a website that looks professional overall and is minimalistic. You also need to tie in your marketing angle with your landing page. If they see a certain marketing angle that resonated with them, they clicked on the ad, and they go to your website, and there's nothing about that marketing angle anymore, they're probably going to forget why they clicked it in the first place.

🧠 Mindset

The fourth biggest reason that I see people failing in drop shipping is their overall mindset. People hate failing, and in any online business or any business in general, you are going to fail 100 times before something works and you succeed. If you give up at 98 tries before you hit that 100, then it works, you're going to give up on a lifetime of opportunity. You need to control your mindset. You cannot let failures take you down and move on to the next product. You can't just give it a go or an effort for two weeks and give up. If you continue to fall down that negative path anywhere in your life, everything is going to come crashing down on you. You're not going to see any success in your life overall.

📣 Advertising

The fifth thing that I see a lot of beginners fail at is advertising. Usually, when I see beginners advertising their e-commerce product or drop shipping, they just throw up a couple of images or a really cheaply made video advertising the features of the product. Spend $50, they don't get any sales, and then they quit, call it a scam. What's wrong with this is it's not tying into those marketing angles. You're just advertising features of the product. You have to tell them why they need this product. Marketing angles, especially in 2023 moving into 2024, are more important than interest targeting. All of these algorithms on Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram are extremely smart, and they know exactly where to show your advertisement. So if you have very strong marketing angles, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, they're going to know exactly who to show it to, who's interested in this type of product based on that marketing angle.

🎉 Conclusion

In conclusion, drop shipping can be a lucrative business if done correctly. However, many beginners fail because they make common mistakes that could have been avoided. By avoiding these mistakes and following the tips outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of success in drop shipping.

🌟 Highlights

- Choose products that solve a problem and have a lot of marketing angles.

- Branding and strong marketing angles can help you command a good price for your product.

- Your website and landing page should be clean, concise, and easy to check out.

- Control your mindset and don't let failures take you down.

- Marketing angles are more important than interest targeting.


Q: Is drop shipping a get-rich-quick scheme?

A: No, drop shipping is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time, effort, and a lot of trial and error to be successful.

Q: How do I choose the right products to sell?

A: Choose products that solve a problem and have a lot of marketing angles. This makes it easier to use the pain-agitate-solve method when advertising your product.

Q: How important is branding in drop shipping?

A: Branding is very important in drop shipping. It can help you command a good price for your product and stand out from your competitors.

Q: How do I improve my overall store design?

A: Your website and landing page should be clean, concise, and easy to check out. Tie in your marketing angle with your landing page to keep your customers engaged.

Q: How do I control my mindset when I'm failing?

A: You need to control your mindset and not let failures take you down. Remember that failure is a part of the process, and you can learn from your mistakes.

🌐 Resources

- Shopify:

- AliExpress:

- Ecom Remastered:

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