The Top 1% of Dropshippers Do This! (Dropshipping Funnels Full Guide)

The Top 1% of Dropshippers Do This! (Dropshipping Funnels Full Guide)

March 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

🚀 The Power of Deep Funnels in E-commerce: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you struggling to make your e-commerce business profitable? Are you tired of launching winning products only to hear crickets? If so, you're not alone. Many entrepreneurs face the same challenges when starting an online business. The good news is that there's a solution to this problem, and it's called deep funnels.

In this article, we'll explore the concept of deep funnels and how they can help you outspend your competition, increase your profitability, and scale your business. We'll cover everything from the basics of funnels to the advanced strategies of deep funnels. So, let's dive in!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Basics of Funnels

3. The Problem with Basic Funnels

4. What Are Deep Funnels?

5. The Benefits of Deep Funnels

6. How to Build Deep Funnels

7. The Importance of Email Marketing

8. The Seinfeld List

9. Testing and Optimization

10. Conclusion

1. Introduction

It's no secret that many people are starting online e-commerce and dropshipping businesses because the barrier to entry is so low. Anyone can head over to, start a free trial, launch their business, and then...crickets. Unfortunately, many people don't understand the concept of deep funnels, which is why they struggle to make their business profitable.

In this article, we'll explore the power of deep funnels and how they can help you take your e-commerce business to the next level. We'll cover everything from the basics of funnels to the advanced strategies of deep funnels. So, let's get started!

2. The Basics of Funnels

Before we dive into deep funnels, let's first cover the basics of funnels. A funnel is a series of steps that a potential customer goes through before making a purchase. The goal of a funnel is to guide the customer through the buying process and increase the likelihood of a sale.

A basic funnel typically looks like this:

- Ads that come to landing pages

- Landing pages that collect an email address and other information

- Checkout pages that offer products and services

- Order bumps, upsells, and subscriptions

While this basic funnel can be effective, it's not enough to make your business profitable. You need to go deeper.

3. The Problem with Basic Funnels

The problem with basic funnels is that they only focus on the front-end of the customer journey. They're designed to generate leads and make sales, but they don't take into account what happens after the sale.

For example, what happens to the customers who don't buy from you? What happens to the customers who do buy from you? How can you monetize your leads and increase your profitability?

This is where deep funnels come in.

4. What Are Deep Funnels?

Deep funnels are a series of interconnected funnels that guide potential customers through a variety of products and services. They're designed to optimize for leads and buyer journeys, not just sales.

Deep funnels allow you to monetize your leads in a variety of ways, such as:

- Abandoned cart emails

- Upsells and downsells

- Frequently bought together products

- Subscription-based products and services

The goal of deep funnels is to create an automated system that guides potential customers through a variety of products and services, increasing the likelihood of a sale and maximizing your profitability.

5. The Benefits of Deep Funnels

The benefits of deep funnels are numerous. Here are just a few:

- Outspend your competition: By optimizing for leads and buyer journeys, you can spend more money on ads and acquire more customers than your competition.

- Increase your profitability: By monetizing your leads in a variety of ways, you can increase your profitability and make your business more sustainable.

- Scale your business: By creating an automated system that guides potential customers through a variety of products and services, you can scale your business without sacrificing quality or customer experience.

6. How to Build Deep Funnels

Building deep funnels can be a complex process, but it's worth the effort. Here are the basic steps to building deep funnels:

1. Map out your funnels: Start by mapping out your basic funnel and then brainstorming additional products and services that you can offer.

2. Create your funnels: Once you've mapped out your funnels, create them using landing pages, checkout pages, and other tools.

3. Integrate your funnels: Integrate your funnels into your email marketing campaigns and other marketing efforts.

4. Test and optimize: Test your funnels and optimize them based on the data you collect.

7. The Importance of Email Marketing

Email marketing is a critical component of deep funnels. It allows you to communicate with your leads and customers on a regular basis, promoting your products and services and building trust and loyalty.

Make sure to segment your email list based on buyer behavior and tailor your messages accordingly. For example, send abandoned cart emails to non-buyers and buyer discount coupon codes to buyers.

8. The Seinfeld List

The Seinfeld List is a list of buyers and leads who have gone through all of your funnels and automations. These are your warmest leads and should be treated accordingly.

Send daily emails to your Seinfeld List, promoting your products and services and building trust and loyalty. Make sure to test and optimize your emails based on the data you collect.

9. Testing and Optimization

Testing and optimization are critical components of deep funnels. Make sure to test your funnels and emails regularly and optimize them based on the data you collect.

Use tools like Google Analytics and A/B testing to track your results and make data-driven decisions. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things.

10. Conclusion

Deep funnels are a powerful tool for e-commerce entrepreneurs. By optimizing for leads and buyer journeys, you can outspend your competition, increase your profitability, and scale your business.

Remember to map out your funnels, create them, integrate them, and test and optimize them regularly. Use email marketing and the Seinfeld List to communicate with your leads and customers on a regular basis.

With these strategies in place, you'll be well on your way to building a profitable and sustainable e-commerce business.

Pros and Cons


- Outspend your competition

- Increase your profitability

- Scale your business

- Monetize your leads in a variety of ways

- Build trust and loyalty with your customers


- Building deep funnels can be complex and time-consuming

- Testing and optimization require ongoing effort and resources


- Deep funnels are a series of interconnected funnels that guide potential customers through a variety of products and services.

- Deep funnels allow you to monetize your leads in a variety of ways, increasing your profitability and scalability.

- Email marketing and the Seinfeld List are critical components of deep funnels.

- Testing and optimization are essential for success with deep funnels.


Q: What is a funnel?

A: A funnel is a series of steps that a potential customer goes through before making a purchase.

Q: What is a deep funnel?

A: A deep funnel is a series of interconnected funnels that guide potential customers through a variety of products and services.

Q: How do deep funnels work?

A: Deep funnels optimize for leads and buyer journeys, not just sales. They allow you to monetize your leads in a variety of ways, increasing your profitability and scalability.

Q: What are the benefits of deep funnels?

A: The benefits of deep funnels include outspending your competition, increasing your profitability, and scaling your business.

Q: How do I build deep funnels?

A: To build deep funnels, map out your funnels, create them, integrate them, and test and optimize them regularly.




- Russell Brunson's Seinfeld List

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