The Easy $10k/Month Side Hustle No One Talks About (Amazon Influencer Reviews)

The Easy $10k/Month Side Hustle No One Talks About (Amazon Influencer Reviews)

March 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Make Money as an Amazon Influencer

Are you looking for a way to make money online without having to drive any of your own traffic? Look no further than the Amazon influencer program. By filming short one-minute product reviews and posting them on Amazon, you can start making money completely passively. In this article, we'll explain the entire process step by step, so you can start earning up to $10,000 a month as an Amazon influencer.

What is the Amazon Influencer Program?

The Amazon influencer program is a program that allows you to earn money promoting the products that you love on Amazon. As part of the program, you get your own custom web page on Amazon with your own vanity URL. When anyone visits your page and makes a purchase, you earn a commission for the sale. But that's not all. The best part about this program is that you can post video reviews of any product on Amazon, and your video lives on the product page itself. When anyone watches your video and buys, you get a cut of the sale. So basically, Amazon is driving traffic to your videos for free and paying you for it.

How to Qualify for the Amazon Influencer Program

In order to make money using the method that we're about to teach you, the one caveat is that you must first qualify for the Amazon influencer program. To apply for the program, you must either have a YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, or Facebook account with over 200 followers. However, you are more likely to qualify if you have at least 1,000 followers. In the event that you don't have a social media account with enough followers, you can simply buy an account for $100 or so on sites like Fame swap. Amazon will look at the number of followers you have along with other engagement metrics to determine if you are a good fit for the program. Trust us, it's pretty easy to get in. Amazon states that they accept micro influencers and nano influencers as long as you have an engaged audience. We've seen YouTube channels, Instagram, and Tik Tok accounts with very few subscribers get accepted into the program.

How to Choose a Product to Review

The first step in finding a product to review is to pick a product that does not have any other influencer videos on there yet. All you have to do is go to that product listing, check to make sure that the upper car placement is unlocked for the product, and then make sure that not all the influencer video slots are full. The next step is to make sure that the product gets a ton of sales. After all, if no one is really buying a product, then obviously you aren't going to be making any money either. There are several ways to check sales volume for a product on Amazon. You can use a tool like Jungle Scout, which literally tells you how much money every single listing is making on Amazon. Another way is to look at the number of reviews that a listing has. In general, people leave reviews on products 1 to 3% of the time, so you can multiply the number of views on any listing by 50 to get an idea of the total sales volume. You can also look at the BSR rating. BSR stands for bestseller rank, and it's where Amazon assigns a number to the product that tells you how well a product is selling. The lower the number, the better. Finally, we like to check to see if the brand is paying for Amazon sponsored ads. In general, if the seller is buying ads, that means that they are serious about driving traffic to their listing.

Once you determine that a product gets a ton of sales, you also want to check the review rating as well. In general, you should always try to review products that are rated 4.4 or higher. But most importantly, you want to pick higher price items to make videos for. Remember, you are earning a commission based on the percentage of the cost of the product. Reviewing more expensive products always means more money for you.

How to Film Your Video

Now that you've found your product, it's time to film the video. Here are some best practices for creating Amazon content. Amazon has extremely strict guidelines, and you must follow them all or else your video will get rejected. First off, never include any personal info in the video. This might seem obvious, but it happens all the time by accident. For example, never do an unboxing of your product and forget to remove your name on the box. Make sure there's no barcodes, names, addresses, or anything personally identifiable in the video. Even a barcode on a book on your bookshelf can get your video rejected. This is why most influencers film their videos on a plain white background or a wall. You must also never make any medical claims in your videos. You can't say stuff like "this is antibacterial" or "this supplement grew back my hair," etc. Also, make sure you never talk about prices or sales. The content you create for Amazon is meant to be evergreen, so don't mention how much it costs, how cheap it is, or whether there's a great deal on it right now.

In terms of the equipment to use to film your video, the videos that convert the best on Amazon are not well produced. People like product reviews that are casual and real. So in our opinion, the only camera that you really need is your cell phone. Audio on the other hand is much more important. Make sure you buy a separate lavalier microphone, which is super cheap. We personally use the Rode Wireless Go, but you can easily get a wireless Bluetooth mic for about 20 bucks.

In terms of the content on the video itself, all you have to do is answer a question. A question that you might have if you were buying that product. For example, our friend Liz filmed a video about an outdoor canopy that she bought on Amazon, and the main question that she had when she bought it was whether she could set it up on her own. So she literally filmed a time-lapse video of her setting up the canopy entirely by herself in 5 minutes, and that video alone makes her hundreds of dollars every single month.

How to Get Your Video Placed

Once you've filmed your video, your Amazon dashboard will let you know exactly where your video has been placed. Most of the money to be made will be from people watching your videos on the product listing itself. Here's how to get your first video placed step by step. The first step is to choose a good product to make a video for, and you must follow all these guidelines exactly to maximize your revenue potential. After all, picking the right product to review is 90% of the work, and you have to get this step right in order to make any money at all. So first off, just because you film a video for a product does not necessarily mean that it's going to make it onto a product listing. Ultimately, Amazon determines which videos go where. However, you have a much better chance of getting your video onto a listing if you simply choose a listing that has very few videos created for it. So basically, the first step in finding a product is to pick a product that does not have any other influencer videos on there yet. All you have to do is go to that product listing, check to make sure that the upper car placement is unlocked for the product, and then make sure that not all the influencer video slots are full.

The next step is to make sure that the product gets a ton of sales. After all, if no one is really buying a product, then obviously you aren't going to be making any money either. There are several ways to check sales volume for a product on Amazon. You can use a tool like Jungle Scout, which literally tells you how much money every single listing is making on Amazon. Another way is to look at the number of reviews that a listing has. In general, people leave reviews on products 1 to 3% of the time, so you can multiply the number of views on any listing by 50 to get an idea of the total sales volume. You can also look at the BSR rating. BSR stands for bestseller rank, and it's where Amazon assigns a number to the product that tells you how well a product is selling. The lower the number, the better. Finally, we like to check to see if the brand is paying for Amazon sponsored ads. In general, if the seller is buying ads, that means that they are serious about driving traffic to their listing.

Once you determine that a product gets a ton of sales, you also want to check the review rating as well. In general, you should always try to review products that are rated 4.4 or higher. But most importantly, you want to pick higher price items to make videos for. Remember, you are earning a commission based on the percentage of the cost of the product. Reviewing more expensive products always means more money for you.


Making money as an Amazon influencer is a great way to earn passive income online. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can start earning up to $10,000 a month without having to drive any of your own traffic. Remember to choose a good product to make a video for, and follow all the guidelines exactly to maximize your revenue potential. Happy filming!


- The Amazon influencer program allows you to earn money promoting the products that you love on Amazon.

- To qualify for the program, you must have a social media account with over 200 followers.

- You can post video reviews of any product on Amazon, and your video lives on the product page itself.

- The first step in finding a product to review is to pick a product that does not have any other influencer videos on there yet.

- You should always try to review products that are rated 4.4 or higher.

- Reviewing more expensive products always means more money for you.


Q: How much money can I make as an Amazon influencer?

A: You can make up to $10,000 a month as an Amazon influencer.

Q: What equipment do I need to film my video?

A: The only camera that you really need is your cell phone. Audio on the other hand is much more important. Make sure you buy a separate lavalier microphone, which is super cheap.

Q: Can I review any product on Amazon?

A: Yes, you can review any product on Amazon as long as it meets the guidelines outlined in this article.

Q: How do I get my video placed on a product listing?

A: Choose a good product to make a video for, and follow all the guidelines exactly to maximize your revenue potential. Remember to pick a product that does not have any other influencer videos on there yet, and make sure that the product gets a ton of sales.

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