The EASIEST Way to Get 100s of Reviews for Amazon KDP (Full Tutorial)

The EASIEST Way to Get 100s of Reviews for Amazon KDP (Full Tutorial)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Importance of Reviews for Your Book

3. Strategies for Getting Reviews

- 3.1 Building an Existing Audience

- 3.2 Utilizing Review Services

4. Review Services Comparison

- 4.1 Pubby

- 4.2 Get Books Reviewed

- 4.3 Book Bite

5. Tips and Tricks for Using Review Services

6. Ensuring Positive Reviews

7. Using Review Services with International Amazon Accounts

8. Conclusion


In today's digital age, getting reviews for your book is crucial for its success. Reviews act as social proof, instilling confidence in potential readers and increasing conversions. However, many authors struggle with obtaining reviews, especially if they don't have an existing audience or a large following on social media. In this article, we will explore various strategies and services that can help you get hundreds of real reviews for your books on Amazon KDP.

The Importance of Reviews for Your Book

Before diving into the strategies, let's understand why reviews are so important for your book. Imagine browsing through Amazon's vast selection of books, trying to decide which one to purchase. Would you be more inclined to buy a book with 100 positive reviews or one with zero reviews? The answer is obvious. Reviews provide social proof and make it easier to sell your book.

Strategies for Getting Reviews

3.1 Building an Existing Audience

If you already have an existing audience, such as an email list or a social media following, you have a valuable asset for obtaining reviews. Simply reach out to your audience and offer them a free copy of your book in exchange for an honest review. Many people will be open to leaving a review if they genuinely enjoy your book.

3.2 Utilizing Review Services

But what if you don't have an audience or a large following? Don't worry; there are review services available that can help you get reviews even without an existing audience. Three popular services are Pubby, Get Books Reviewed, and Book Bite. These services operate as membership sites for authors, allowing you to review other people's books and earn points. You can then use these points to request reviews for your own book.

Review Services Comparison

Let's take a closer look at the three review services mentioned earlier.

4.1 Pubby

Pubby is a review service that offers a straightforward process for obtaining reviews. By reviewing other authors' books, you earn points that can be exchanged for reviews of your own book. Pubby is a reliable option, and it is compatible with various Amazon accounts, including international ones.

4.2 Get Books Reviewed

Get Books Reviewed is another review service that operates on a points-based system. By reviewing books from fellow authors, you accumulate points that can be redeemed for reviews of your own book. While it may not have all the features of other services, it is a cost-effective option for authors focusing on low-content books.

4.3 Book Bite

Book Bite is a newer review service that offers additional features not found in the other two services.

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