The 10 Amazon FBA Mistakes That I Made... (that you should avoid)

The 10 Amazon FBA Mistakes That I Made... (that you should avoid)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

10 Mistakes I Made When Starting My Amazon FBA Business

Hey guys it's Hogan here and in this video I want to share with you guys my 10 biggest mistakes that I made when starting my Amazon FBA business so hopefully you guys can learn from my mistakes and avoid them as well so my first mistake was with our packaging so we initially decided to go with a packaging style and opening style which is similar to one of the top brands in the marketplace because we thought maybe we could just copy their success but we didn't realize that their packaging was actually very specific to their product and it wasn't really suitable for our product so we ended up spending a lot of money on packaging and also a lot of time designing the packaging and then when we actually launched the product we realized that it wasn't really that great so we had to redesign the packaging and reorder which cost us a lot of money and time so my advice would be to just design your own unique packaging that's suitable for your product and don't just copy other people's packaging because it might not be suitable for your product so our second mistake was with our inventory levels so we actually made the mistake of not checking the FBA fees before sending in our products so we ended up paying around $2 more per unit than we should have because we didn't check the FBA fees and we also made the mistake of not making our packaging as small as possible so we could have actually saved around $2 per unit if we made our packaging a little bit smaller so in terms of the FBA fees so the FBA fees is actually made up of two parts so you've got one part which is the category referral fees so that's going to be dependent on the category and a percentage of your selling price so you can't really change that now you've got the second part of it which is actually the Fulfillment fees so that is basically the pick pack and ship fees that you pay to Amazon to deliver it to your customer so in terms of the FBA fees and the tiers that you can actually fit into so we're actually in the large enveloped here so 33 times 23 times five centimeters in height our product was around 17 times 12 times 3.5 centimeters in height so we're with the large enveloped here and the weight was less than 250 grams so we paid around five dollars and 12 cents per unit sold so if we made it smaller which we could have made it around 1.9 centimeters so probably less than 2 centimeters so then for sure we would have been in the standard envelope tier right so right now we're in the large enveloped here so 33 times 23 times five centimeters in height our product was around 17 times 12 times 3.5 centimeters in height so we're with the large enveloped here and the weight was less than 250 grams so we paid around five dollars and 12 cents per unit sold so if we made it smaller which we could have made it around 1.9 centimeters so probably less than 2 centimeters so then for sure we would have been in the standard envelope tier right so the standard envelope tier is around 30 23 3.5 centimeters in height so probably less than 2 centimeters so then for sure we would have been in the standard envelope tier right so the standard envelope tier is around 30 23 3.5 centimeters in height so we're in this large enveloped here and the weight was around less than 250 grams so we paid around five dollars and 12 cents per unit sold so if we made it smaller which we could have made it around 1.9 centimeters so probably less than 2 centimeters so then for sure we would have been in the standard envelope tier right so the standard envelope tier is around 30 23 3.5 centimeters in height

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