STOP Using AliExpress for Dropshipping (Use THIS Instead) 5-8 DAY SHIPPING!

STOP Using AliExpress for Dropshipping (Use THIS Instead) 5-8 DAY SHIPPING!

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

πŸš€ Drop Shipping in 2024: The Best Online Business Model to Generate Your First Million

Are you looking for a profitable online business model that can help you generate your first million? Look no further than drop shipping. In 2024, drop shipping is still the best online business model to help you achieve your financial goals. However, if you continue to use AliExpress, you may drive your drop shipping store into the ground with low profits and little success. But don't worry, I've got you covered. In this article, I'll be sharing the best private suppliers and the best supplier to use throughout different parts of your journey with your drop shipping store.

Table of Contents

- Introduction

- The One Product Drop Shipping Method

- Product Quality and Shipping Times

- Payment Methods and Safety

- Ordering Samples

- Choosing the Right Country

- The Best Suppliers for One Product Drop Shipping

- Private Suppliers

- Print on Demand with Gelato

- Questions to Ask Drop Shipping Suppliers

- Third-Party Logistics (3PL)

- Conclusion

The One Product Drop Shipping Method

Most of you who are watching this are probably doing one product drop shipping, which means you're only ordering products once somebody places an order on your Shopify store. This method allows you to avoid inventory and using a 3PL. However, there are always going to be a few issues with this method, such as processing times. The good news is that in 2024, this part of the process keeps getting better when it comes to one product drop shipping. But it's important to be aware that no one is perfect, no matter who you work with when you're doing this method of drop shipping.

Product Quality and Shipping Times

When choosing a supplier, product quality and shipping times are more important than the product cost. Most people when they choose a supplier only want to work with a supplier who is the cheapest. However, you want to have a good overall round when it comes to shipping cost, shipping times, and product quality. Don't just emphasize who you choose on the cost.

Payment Methods and Safety

Always use PayPal or use a credit card when paying your supplier. That way, you'll be safer when working with them. If they were to do you over, that could mean that they don't ship the product or they don't ship the right product. This will protect you because you can either chargeback or open a claim through PayPal.

Ordering Samples

Always order a sample of the product so you can vet for yourself that it matches the quality control and the ethics of yourself. This is important because you want to make sure that the product you're selling is of high quality and meets your standards.

Choosing the Right Country

Which country should you choose? China, America, or the EU? If you're selling to the EU, then using a European supplier makes a lot of sense for shipping times, taxes, and other things. However, if you're drop shipping from China to the US, the shipping times are still amazing, especially when you're testing products as a drop shipper.

The Best Suppliers for One Product Drop Shipping

The first supplier that I'd recommend is called Zen Drop. You can use them using the link in the description, and you will get an exclusive discount once you create an account on Zen Drop. Zen Drop is an American-based company that speaks fluent US English. They have partnerships with all the manufacturers in China that we can't have partnerships with, and they're able to get products from them. They also have their own fulfillment centers in China.

The next supplier that I want to talk about when it comes to drop shipping one product at a time is Gilo. Gilo is for print on demand, but I thought it was important to mention in this article. It's completely free to create an account with Gilo, and if you use my exclusive link in the description, you are going to get some benefits using it.

When it comes to the EU, I would highly recommend a company called Big Buy EU. Big Buy EU is designed for the EU market and offers a drop shipping service and membership. However, they do have paid memberships, and it can be a little bit expensive for some beginners.

Private Suppliers

When you start seeing success, you want to start working with private suppliers. The time to use a private supplier is when you're doing a minimum of 10 orders a day consistently for around about 3 to 4 weeks. The good news is that Zen Drop does do pre-orders on inventory if you do regular sales.

Print on Demand with Gelato

Gelato is the best option for print on demand in 2024. It's completely free to create an account with Gelato, and they offer a full range of e-commerce performance services, including storage, order processing, shipping, and receiving. They also provide value-added services such as processing, cross-docking, or kitting.

Questions to Ask Drop Shipping Suppliers

When choosing a drop shipping supplier, there are several questions you should ask to ensure the best quality when working with them. These questions include:

- What types of products do you specialize in?

- Can you provide a full product catalog?

- What is the quality of your product?

- Are there any brand restrictions on these products?

- What shipping methods do you offer?

- What are the average shipping times to various regions?

- How do you handle lost or damaged shipments?

- Do you provide tracking information for all orders?

- Are there any additional fees like handling or restocking fees?

- What is your return policy?

- How are customer service issues handled?

- Who is responsible for the return shipping costs?

- Do you require a minimum order quantity?

- Are your products compliant and regulatory throughout the different markets?

Third-Party Logistics (3PL)

Third-party logistics (3PL) is a great option for those who are doing high volume, which is 10 orders a day. Many 3PL warehouses provide value-added services such as processing, cross-docking, or kitting. Zen Drop does have 3PL in China, and there are links to 3PLs in America and the EU in the cheat sheet.


In conclusion, drop shipping is still the best online business model to help you achieve your financial goals in 2024. By following the tips and recommendations in this article, you can ensure that you're working with the best suppliers and using the best practices to generate your first million. Remember to ask the right questions, choose the right suppliers, and always prioritize product quality and shipping times. Good luck on your drop shipping journey!

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