Stop Sellers From Copying Your Product, Legally! - (Amazon FBA Provisional & Design Patents)

Stop Sellers From Copying Your Product, Legally! - (Amazon FBA Provisional & Design Patents)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

🛡️ Protecting Your Amazon Product: The Importance of Provisional Patents

As an Amazon seller, you know the importance of finding the perfect product. You spend countless hours researching, making changes, and adding value to ensure that your product stands out from the competition. But what happens when your hard work is copied by others, and your sales plummet? Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence on Amazon, and it can be devastating for your business. In this article, we will discuss the importance of provisional patents and how they can protect your product from being copied.

What is a Provisional Patent?

A provisional patent is an application that gives you 12 months of protection for your product. It is essentially a pending patent that allows you to protect your product while you work on getting a full patent. During this 12-month period, you have legal protection and the ability to kick people off of Amazon who are violating your patent.

Why is a Provisional Patent Important?

A provisional patent is important because it protects your product from being copied by others. When you have a unique product, it is only a matter of time before others try to copy it. By having a provisional patent, you can prevent others from copying your product and undercutting your prices. This protection can be crucial for your business, especially if your product is doing well and generating significant revenue.

How to Get a Provisional Patent

To get a provisional patent, you can go to the site and file an application. The filing fees are relatively small, and you can do it yourself or hire a service like LegalZoom to help you. Once you have a provisional patent, you can use it to protect your product for 12 months. If your product is still doing well after 12 months, you can apply for a full patent to extend your protection.

Utility Patents vs. Design Patents

There are two types of patents: utility patents and design patents. Utility patents protect the use of a product, while design patents protect the design of a product. For Amazon sellers, design patents are usually more relevant because they protect the unique design elements of your product. While utility patents can be more expensive, design patents are more affordable and can still provide significant protection for your product.

Other Ways to Protect Your Product

In addition to provisional patents, there are other ways to protect your product from being copied. One way is to include clauses in your contracts with manufacturers that prevent them from selling your product to others. While this is not foolproof, it can provide an extra layer of protection for your product. Another way is to constantly innovate and improve your product, making it harder for others to copy.

Pros and Cons of Provisional Patents


- Provides legal protection for your product

- Allows you to kick people off of Amazon who are violating your patent

- Can prevent others from undercutting your prices

- Gives you a competitive advantage in the market


- Can be expensive to get a full patent after the provisional patent expires

- Does not guarantee that others will not copy your product

- Can be difficult to enforce your patent in other countries


In conclusion, provisional patents are an essential tool for Amazon sellers who want to protect their products from being copied. By having a provisional patent, you can prevent others from undercutting your prices and kicking them off of Amazon if they violate your patent. While there are pros and cons to getting a provisional patent, the benefits can be significant for your business. If you are investing a lot of time and effort into your product, it is worth considering getting a provisional patent to protect your hard work.

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