Step-by-Step GUIDE To Make $10K/mo with Affiliate Marketing (2024)

Step-by-Step GUIDE To Make $10K/mo with Affiliate Marketing (2024)

March 28, 2024
Author: Big Y

The Ultimate Blueprint for Affiliate Marketing Success in 2024

Are you interested in making over $110,000 per month with affiliate marketing? If so, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll be discussing the four main strategies you should focus on in 2024 to achieve affiliate marketing success. Each of these strategies has the potential to make you over $10,000 per month in profit, so pay close attention to which one will suit you and your niche best.

Strategy 1: Using Social Media

The first strategy we'll be discussing is using social media. This is probably the most well-known strategy, and for good reason. With social media, you can leverage short-form content and sell in the DMs. When it comes to social media, we recommend sticking to more competitive niches, as people on social media are not searching for specific things. Instead, they are a more general audience. Popular niches such as side hustles, making money online, credit repair, and weight loss are great for social media.

Strategy 2: Using a YouTube Channel

The second strategy we recommend is using a YouTube channel. This strategy works in any niche, and what we love about YouTube is that you can really niche down. You don't need a lot of views to make a full-time income on YouTube, and you can make money from both affiliate commissions and YouTube ad revenue. You can see examples of this strategy in action with channels such as The Deal Guy, who promotes general Amazon products, and a channel that focuses on radar detectors.

Strategy 3: Being an Amazon Influencer

The third strategy we recommend is being an Amazon influencer. This is a newer strategy, but it's one that can really build over time. All you need to do is review physical products on Amazon and get a commission for anyone who watches your review videos on the products. This is a simple strategy that can really stack up over time.

Strategy 4: Staying Behind the Scenes

The fourth and final strategy we recommend is staying behind the scenes. This can be done by either hiring a freelancer or using an AI avatar. You can apply this strategy to social media or a YouTube channel. By hiring a freelancer, you can have someone on standby who will make all your videos for you, and you can pay them a set fee per month. Alternatively, you can use an AI avatar to create videos for you. This strategy is great if you don't want to show your face or make the videos yourself.

The Sales Process

Once you've chosen your strategy and niche, the last step is to create a sales process. The most important thing you need to do is build your email list and recommend products to your leads. You can do this through a free gift or lead magnet, such as a free day trading community, and then take them to a bridge page where you recommend the main product you're promoting. From there, you can use email marketing, messenger, or Zoom calls to sell the product.

Pros and Cons

Each of these strategies has its pros and cons. Social media is great for leveraging short-form content, but you need to stick to more competitive niches. YouTube allows you to really niche down, but it can be more difficult to get started. Being an Amazon influencer is a simple strategy that can really build over time, but it can take a while to see results. Staying behind the scenes is great if you don't want to show your face, but it can be more expensive to hire a freelancer.


- Social media is great for short-form content and leveraging DMs.

- YouTube allows you to really niche down and make money from both affiliate commissions and YouTube ad revenue.

- Being an Amazon influencer is a simple strategy that can really build over time.

- Staying behind the scenes is great if you don't want to show your face.


Q: What is the best strategy for affiliate marketing?

A: The best strategy for affiliate marketing depends on your niche and personal preferences. Each of the four strategies we discussed has its pros and cons.

Q: How much money can I make with affiliate marketing?

A: You can make over $10,000 per month in profit with affiliate marketing if you focus on the right strategy and niche.

Q: Do I need a large following to make money with affiliate marketing?

A: No, you don't need a large following to make money with affiliate marketing. You can make a full-time income with just a few thousand views per video.



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