April 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

H2: Introduction

- What is the Wayne Ghoomar issue?

- Why is the channel Varna Vinyas being added to Indian in a minute?

H2: The Bloody Monday Channel

- What happened to the Bloody Monday channel?

- Why were all the videos deleted?

- What is the current status of the channel?

H2: The Scout's Channel

- What is the current status of Scout's channel?

- How can viewers help bring the channel back?

H2: YouTube Committee and IDC Committee

- What are the YouTube Committee and IDC Committee?

- What is their role in this issue?

H2: Conclusion

- What should viewers be aware of?

- What is the importance of checking Gmail?

That Wayne Ghoomar Issue

The Wayne Ghoomar issue has been making headlines recently, and viewers are curious about what is happening. It has been reported that the channel Varna Vinyas has been added to Indian in a minute, and this has caused concern among viewers.

The Bloody Monday Channel

The Bloody Monday channel has been a topic of discussion lately, as it has been taken down and all of its videos have been deleted. This has left many viewers wondering what happened and why. It has been reported that the channel was taken down due to violations of the YouTube committee guidance.

The Scout's Channel

The Scout's channel is another channel that has been affected by this issue. The channel has reached three million subscribers, but it is currently facing some challenges. Viewers are being asked to help bring the channel back by deleting a tweet and checking their Gmail for any related links.

YouTube Committee and IDC Committee

The YouTube Committee and IDC Committee are two organizations that are involved in this issue. They play an important role in ensuring that YouTube guidelines are followed and that channels are not terminated due to violations.


Viewers should be aware of the importance of checking their Gmail and being cautious about clicking on any links related to this issue. It is important to follow YouTube guidelines and to report any violations to the appropriate authorities.


- The Wayne Ghoomar issue has been making headlines recently.

- The Bloody Monday channel has been taken down and all of its videos have been deleted.

- The Scout's channel is facing challenges and viewers are being asked to help bring it back.

- The YouTube Committee and IDC Committee play an important role in ensuring that YouTube guidelines are followed.

- Viewers should be cautious about clicking on any links related to this issue.


Q: What is the Wayne Ghoomar issue?

A: The Wayne Ghoomar issue involves the addition of the channel Varna Vinyas to Indian in a minute.

Q: Why was the Bloody Monday channel taken down?

A: The Bloody Monday channel was taken down due to violations of the YouTube committee guidance.

Q: What is the current status of Scout's channel?

A: Scout's channel is facing challenges, but viewers are being asked to help bring it back.

Q: What is the role of the YouTube Committee and IDC Committee in this issue?

A: The YouTube Committee and IDC Committee play an important role in ensuring that YouTube guidelines are followed and that channels are not terminated due to violations.

Q: What should viewers be aware of?

A: Viewers should be aware of the importance of checking their Gmail and being cautious about clicking on any links related to this issue.

- End -
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