Review of Dashboard Tools for Startups 2019

Review of Dashboard Tools for Startups 2019

April 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

📊 The Best Dashboard Tools for Startups: A Comprehensive Review

As a venture capital investor turned startup coach, I know how important it is for startups to have access to data metrics and KPIs to make informed decisions. However, manually updating Excel sheets can be time-consuming and inefficient. That's why having a dashboard tool is crucial for startups to access real-time data and insights about their users. In this article, I will review three dashboard tools that meet my requirements for startups: Data Box, Chartio, and Clipfolio. After testing each tool with my actual startup clients, I have determined that Clipfolio is the best dashboard tool for startups.

Table of Contents

1. 📈 Introduction

2. 📊 The Importance of Dashboard Tools for Startups

3. 🧰 Requirements for a Good Dashboard Tool

4. 💻 Review of Data Box

5. 📈 Review of Chartio

6. 📊 Review of Clipfolio

7. 🏆 The Winner: Clipfolio

8. 🔍 Other Tools for Your Analytics Stack

9. 🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

10. 🌐 Resources

📈 Introduction

As a startup coach, I have seen firsthand how important it is for startups to have access to data metrics and KPIs to make informed decisions. However, manually updating Excel sheets can be time-consuming and inefficient. That's why having a dashboard tool is crucial for startups to access real-time data and insights about their users. In this article, I will review three dashboard tools that meet my requirements for startups: Data Box, Chartio, and Clipfolio. After testing each tool with my actual startup clients, I have determined that Clipfolio is the best dashboard tool for startups.

📊 The Importance of Dashboard Tools for Startups

Startups move fast, and having access to real-time data and insights about their users is crucial for making informed decisions. Dashboard tools allow startups to visualize their data in a way that is easy to understand and accessible to everyone on the team. With a dashboard tool, startups can track their KPIs, monitor their progress, and make data-driven decisions.

🧰 Requirements for a Good Dashboard Tool

When evaluating dashboard tools for startups, I had several requirements that needed to be fulfilled for me to be happy with the tool. These requirements included:

- Easy-to-use general dashboards that can be shared with investors or other stakeholders

- Flexibility to connect all different kinds of APIs and SQL databases

- Affordable pricing for startups

- No requirement for SQL knowledge to perform any analysis within the tool

- Flexibility around dates

- Ability to combine data from different sources

💻 Review of Data Box

Data Box is a dashboard tool that has a very nice design and is easy to use. It offers a lot of pre-built integrations with different data sources, making it easy to get started. However, when it comes to more advanced analysis, Data Box falls short. It requires SQL knowledge to perform any analysis within the tool, which is not very accessible for many people, especially business users. Additionally, there are further limitations, such as needing to include a date in SQL queries and being limited to 1,000 rows. While Data Box is a good tool for marketing and sales data, it is limiting when it comes to data from a startup's backend.

📈 Review of Chartio

Chartio is a dashboard tool that claims to do powerful analytics made simple. It offers a lot of offshore options and is easy to use, even for those without SQL knowledge. However, Chartio is more expensive than Data Box, and while it offers unlimited charts and dashboards, it is still limiting when it comes to more advanced analysis. For example, it is not possible to exclude the current month of data in filters, and it requires SQL knowledge to perform more advanced analysis.

📊 Review of Clipfolio

Clipfolio is the top-rated dashboard tool on earth, according to their website. It is the cheapest of the three tools I reviewed, and it offers unlimited data connectors and dashboards. Clipfolio is also the most flexible tool, allowing users to build anything they want in the tool. While there is a learning curve when it comes to using Clipfolio, it is worth the investment. The customer service team is also excellent, providing fast responses to any questions or issues.

🏆 The Winner: Clipfolio

After testing each tool with my actual startup clients, I have determined that Clipfolio is the best dashboard tool for startups. It offers the most data and dashboards for the money, is super flexible, and has excellent customer service. While there is a learning curve when it comes to using Clipfolio, it is worth the investment for startups.

🔍 Other Tools for Your Analytics Stack

While a dashboard tool is crucial for startups, it is not the only tool they need in their analytics stack. Other tools that startups may need include:

- Google Analytics for website analytics

- Mixpanel for user analytics

- Segment for data integration

- Amplitude for product analytics

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a dashboard tool?

A: A dashboard tool is a software application that allows users to visualize their data in a way that is easy to understand and accessible to everyone on the team.

Q: Why do startups need a dashboard tool?

A: Startups need a dashboard tool to access real-time data and insights about their users, track their KPIs, monitor their progress, and make data-driven decisions.

Q: What are the requirements for a good dashboard tool for startups?

A: The requirements for a good dashboard tool for startups include easy-to-use general dashboards, flexibility to connect all different kinds of APIs and SQL databases, affordable pricing, no requirement for SQL knowledge, flexibility around dates, and the ability to combine data from different sources.

🌐 Resources

- [Clipfolio](

- [Data Box](

- [Chartio](

- [Google Analytics](

- [Mixpanel](

- [Segment](

- [Amplitude](

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