April 6, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Access the Bacnet Menu on a Mini Split Device

Are you looking to connect your mini split device to your building management system (BMS) or building automation system (BAS)? If so, you'll need to know how to access the Bacnet menu on your device. In this article, we'll show you step-by-step how to do just that.

Table of Contents

- Introduction

- What is Bacnet?

- What is a Mini Split Device?

- How to Connect a Mini Split Device to a BMS or BAS

- Accessing the Bacnet Menu on a Mini Split Device

- Setting Up the Node Addresses

- Configuring the Dip Switches

- Checking Your Computer's Drivers

- Checking the Device in Device Manager

- Changing the Device Instance or Device ID

- Cycling Power After Making Changes

- Pros and Cons of Connecting a Mini Split Device to a BMS or BAS

- Highlights



In today's world, building management systems are becoming increasingly popular. They allow building owners and managers to control and monitor various systems within their buildings, including HVAC systems. If you have a mini split device, you may be wondering how to connect it to your building's BMS or BAS. The answer lies in accessing the Bacnet menu on your device.

What is Bacnet?

Before we dive into how to access the Bacnet menu on your mini split device, let's first define what Bacnet is. Bacnet is a communications protocol used in building automation and control systems. It allows various systems within a building to communicate with each other, including HVAC systems, lighting systems, and security systems.

What is a Mini Split Device?

A mini split device is a type of HVAC system that is designed to cool or heat a single room or area. It consists of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit, which are connected by refrigerant lines. Mini split devices are becoming increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency and ease of installation.

How to Connect a Mini Split Device to a BMS or BAS

To connect your mini split device to your building's BMS or BAS, you'll need to access the Bacnet menu on your device. This will allow you to configure the device's settings so that it can communicate with the BMS or BAS.

Accessing the Bacnet Menu on a Mini Split Device

To access the Bacnet menu on your mini split device, you'll need a RS485 to USB adapter. Once you have the adapter, follow these steps:

1. Connect the adapter to your computer and to the mini split device.

2. Configure the dip switches on the device to enable communication with your computer.

3. Check your computer's drivers to ensure that it can communicate with the device.

4. Check the device in Device Manager to ensure that it is working properly.

5. Change the device instance or device ID to avoid conflicts with other devices on the network.

6. Cycle power after making changes to ensure that they take effect.

Setting Up the Node Addresses

Before you can access the Bacnet menu on your mini split device, you'll need to set up the node addresses. This involves configuring the dip switches on the device. Follow these steps:

1. Set switches 1-5 to "on" and switches 6-8 to "off".

2. Connect the wires from the device to the BMS or BAS.

3. Cycle power to the device to ensure that the changes take effect.

Configuring the Dip Switches

Once you have set up the node addresses, you'll need to configure the dip switches on the device to enable communication with your computer. Follow these steps:

1. Set switch 1 to "on" and all other switches to "off".

2. Connect the RS485 to USB adapter to your computer and to the device.

3. Check your computer's drivers to ensure that it can communicate with the device.

4. Check the device in Device Manager to ensure that it is working properly.

Checking Your Computer's Drivers

Before you can communicate with the device, you'll need to ensure that your computer has the necessary drivers installed. Follow these steps:

1. Connect the RS485 to USB adapter to your computer.

2. Check Device Manager to see if the device is listed.

3. If the device is not listed, install the necessary drivers.

Checking the Device in Device Manager

Once you have installed the necessary drivers, you can check the device in Device Manager to ensure that it is working properly. Follow these steps:

1. Connect the RS485 to USB adapter to your computer and to the device.

2. Check Device Manager to see if the device is listed.

3. If the device is listed, check its properties to ensure that it is working properly.

Changing the Device Instance or Device ID

To avoid conflicts with other devices on the network, you'll need to change the device instance or device ID. Follow these steps:

1. Access the Bacnet menu on the device.

2. Change the device instance or device ID to a unique value.

3. Save the changes and cycle power to the device.

Cycling Power After Making Changes

After making changes to the device's settings, you'll need to cycle power to the device to ensure that the changes take effect. Follow these steps:

1. Disconnect the device from the BMS or BAS.

2. Cycle power to the device.

3. Reconnect the device to the BMS or BAS.

Pros and Cons of Connecting a Mini Split Device to a BMS or BAS

There are several pros and cons to connecting a mini split device to a BMS or BAS. Some of the pros include improved energy efficiency, better control over the HVAC system, and the ability to monitor the system remotely. Some of the cons include the cost of the BMS or BAS, the complexity of the system, and the need for specialized knowledge to install and maintain the system.


- Bacnet is a communications protocol used in building automation and control systems.

- Mini split devices are becoming increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency and ease of installation.

- To connect a mini split device to a BMS or BAS, you'll need to access the Bacnet menu on the device.

- To access the Bacnet menu, you'll need a RS485 to USB adapter.

- Before accessing the Bacnet menu, you'll need to set up the node addresses and configure the dip switches on the device.

- After making changes to the device's settings, you'll need to cycle power to the device to ensure that the changes take effect.


Q: What is a BMS or BAS?

A: A BMS or BAS is a building management system or building automation system. It allows building owners and managers to control and monitor various systems within their buildings, including HVAC systems.

Q: What is a mini split device?

A: A mini split device is a type of HVAC system that is designed to cool or heat a single room or area.

Q: What is Bacnet?

A: Bacnet is a communications protocol used in building automation and control systems.

Q: How do I connect a mini split device to a BMS or BAS?

A: To connect a mini split device to a BMS or BAS, you'll need to access the Bacnet menu on the device.

Q: What is a RS485 to USB adapter?

A: A RS485 to USB adapter is a device that allows communication between a computer and a device that uses the RS485 protocol.

Q: What are the pros and cons of connecting a mini split device to a BMS or BAS?

A: Some of the pros include improved energy efficiency, better control over the HVAC system, and the ability to monitor the system remotely. Some of the cons include the cost of the BMS or BAS, the complexity of the system, and the need for specialized knowledge to install and maintain the system.



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