Passive Income: I Sold Blank Books On Amazon, here's how...

Passive Income: I Sold Blank Books On Amazon, here's how...

February 21, 2024
Author: Big Y

📚 How to Make Passive Income by Selling Low Content Books on Amazon KDP

Are you looking for a way to make passive income? Have you heard about selling low content books on Amazon KDP? It's a great way to make money without having to write a single sentence. In this article, we'll show you how to create and sell your own low content book on Amazon KDP. We'll cover everything from finding the right software to use, to creating a brand for your books, to optimizing your book for search engines.

📝 Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. What are Low Content Books?

3. Why Sell Low Content Books on Amazon KDP?

4. Finding the Right Software

5. Choosing the Right Type of Book to Sell

6. Creating a Brand for Your Books

7. Designing Your Book Cover

8. Creating the Inside of Your Book

9. Publishing Your Book on Amazon KDP

10. Optimizing Your Book for Search Engines

1. Introduction

Passive income is a dream for many people. The idea of making money without having to actively work for it is very appealing. One way to make passive income is by selling low content books on Amazon KDP. These books are easy to create and can be sold for a decent profit. In this article, we'll show you how to create and sell your own low content book on Amazon KDP.

2. What are Low Content Books?

Low content books are books that have very little written content. They are usually notebooks, journals, diaries, or planners. These books are designed for people to write in themselves. They are popular because they are easy to create and can be sold for a decent profit.

3. Why Sell Low Content Books on Amazon KDP?

Amazon KDP is a great platform for selling low content books. It's easy to use and has a large audience. You don't need to have any design skills to create a book, and you don't need to write any content. You can create a book in less than an hour and start selling it immediately.

4. Finding the Right Software

The first thing you need to do is find the right software to use. There are many different software options available, but we recommend using Book Bolt. It's easy to use and has a lot of features that make creating a book simple.

5. Choosing the Right Type of Book to Sell

There are many different types of low content books you can sell, such as notebooks, journals, diaries, and planners. It's important to choose a type of book that is popular and has a high search volume. Planners are a great option because they sell well all year round and aren't seasonal.

6. Creating a Brand for Your Books

Creating a brand for your books is important because it helps customers recognize your books and can lead to more sales. You can use a brand you've already created or create a new one.

7. Designing Your Book Cover

Your book cover is the first thing customers will see, so it's important to make it eye-catching. You can use royalty-free images from websites like Pixabay to create your cover.

8. Creating the Inside of Your Book

The inside of your book should be designed in a way that is easy for people to use. For example, if you're creating a planner, you should have pages for people to plan their day down to the hour.

9. Publishing Your Book on Amazon KDP

Publishing your book on Amazon KDP is easy. You'll need to fill out some basic information about your book, such as the title and description. You'll also need to set a price for your book.

10. Optimizing Your Book for Search Engines

Optimizing your book for search engines is important because it can lead to more sales. You can use keywords and tags to help your book rank higher in search results.

Pros and Cons


- Easy to create

- Can be sold for a decent profit

- No writing skills required

- Large audience on Amazon KDP


- Can be competitive

- May take time to build trust and sales history

🌟 Highlights

- Low content books are a great way to make passive income.

- Amazon KDP is a great platform for selling low content books.

- Planners are a popular type of low content book to sell.

- Creating a brand for your books can lead to more sales.

- Optimizing your book for search engines can lead to more sales.

🙋‍♀️ FAQ

Q: Do I need to have any design skills to create a low content book?

A: No, you don't need to have any design skills. There are many software options available that make creating a book easy.

Q: How much money can I make selling low content books on Amazon KDP?

A: It depends on how many books you sell and how much you price them for. You can make a decent profit if you price your books correctly.

Q: Is it competitive to sell low content books on Amazon KDP?

A: Yes, it can be competitive. However, with proper research and planning, you can still make sales.

Q: Do I need to write any content for a low content book?

A: No, you don't need to write any content. Low content books are designed for people to write in themselves.


- Book Bolt:

- Pixabay:

- End -
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