Over $1k in 1st Month on Amazon Influencer: Here's Exactly How

Over $1k in 1st Month on Amazon Influencer: Here's Exactly How

April 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 How to Make Money with the Amazon Influencer Program

Are you looking for a new way to make money online? Have you heard of the Amazon Influencer Program? In this article, I will share with you my experience with the program and how I made over $1,000 in my first 30 days. I will also provide a step-by-step guide on how to get started and share some tips and tricks that I learned along the way.

🤔 What is the Amazon Influencer Program?

The Amazon Influencer Program is an extension of Amazon Associates that connects influencers with meaningful social media followings to consumers on Amazon. It offers a platform for influencers to recommend products and earn affiliate commissions on qualifying purchases. In the influencer program, this is done through a variety of means, such as videos, photos, and live streams. For the sake of this article, we will be focusing on shoppable videos, which are typically one to five minutes long and focused on a specific product sold on Amazon.

📈 How to Make Money with the Amazon Influencer Program

The specifics of how to make money with the Amazon Influencer Program are a bit vague, but the high-level concepts are clear. Your videos appear on a specific Amazon product page, and if a shopper watches your video for 30 seconds or longer and then goes on to buy the product, you get paid a commission. Commission rates vary from about one to five percent, although they can go as high as 10 or 20 percent. You get paid 60 days after the sale.

📅 My Timeline for the First 30 Days

Here is a breakdown of my timeline for the first 30 days on the Amazon Influencer Program:

- Friday, May 19th: I was accepted into the Amazon Influencer Program and purchased Matt Donnelly's Jungle Influencer Course.

- Monday, May 22nd: I filmed my first three videos based on the guidance from the course and submitted them to Amazon.

- Thursday, May 25th: Three days later, my three videos were approved, and I was qualified for shoppable videos.

- Wednesday, May 31st: Day seven, I published my 100th video.

- Wednesday, June 7th: Day 14, I had 166 videos live at this point.

- Wednesday, June 14th: Day 21, I published the 200th video.

- Friday, June 23rd: Day 30, 229 videos live.

🎥 How to Create Shoppable Videos

Creating shoppable videos is relatively easy, but it does take some practice. Here is my process for creating shoppable videos:

1. Start with products you already own: Begin by filming products that you already own and are familiar with. This will help you get comfortable with the process and create videos quickly.

2. Move on to products available on Amazon: Once you have filmed the majority of the products you own, move on to products that are available on Amazon but that you did not purchase on Amazon.

3. Film high-priced products: Once you have some experience under your belt, focus on high-priced products. The commissions are higher, and the competition is not always relative.

4. Follow a process: Having a process to follow is essential to creating videos efficiently. Matt Donnelly's Jungle Influencer Course provides an excellent outline to follow for each video.

🤑 Pros and Cons of the Amazon Influencer Program


- Quick and easy way to make money online

- Utilizes products you already own

- Pays quickly

- No need for traffic


- Commission rates are relatively low

- Returns can affect earnings

- The program is relatively new, and there is no track record of success

🌟 Highlights

- The Amazon Influencer Program is an extension of Amazon Associates that connects influencers with meaningful social media followings to consumers on Amazon.

- Shoppable videos are typically one to five minutes long and focused on a specific product sold on Amazon.

- You get paid a commission if a shopper watches your video for 30 seconds or longer and then goes on to buy the product.

- Creating shoppable videos is relatively easy, but it does take some practice.

- The Amazon Influencer Program is a quick and easy way to make money online, but commission rates are relatively low, and returns can affect earnings.

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if a shopper watches another video after mine?

A: You don't get paid. The last video that gets watched makes the commission.

Q: What if your shopper returns the product?

A: No dice. You don't get paid.

Q: Does a shopper really need to watch 30 seconds of the video?

A: Supposedly, yes. Although I couldn't find any clear documentation about this from Amazon.

Q: What if I make and upload a video less than 30 seconds?

A: Supposedly, you'll get paid a commission on a video that's less than 30 seconds if they watch the entire length of your video. Videos over 30 seconds only need to have 30 seconds of watch time.

🤖 Introducing VOC.AI's AI Chatbot

If you're looking for a way to reduce the workload on customer service, check out VOC.AI's AI Chatbot. This chatbot product can automatically reduce a large amount of work on customer services.

💰 Conclusion

The Amazon Influencer Program is a quick and easy way to make money online. It utilizes products you already own and pays quickly. While commission rates are relatively low, it can still be a great side hustle. If you're interested in getting started, I highly recommend Matt Donnelly's Jungle Influencer Course.

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