My First Year Selling On Amazon FBA - The Honest Results

My First Year Selling On Amazon FBA - The Honest Results

March 3, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. **Introduction**

2. **Month-by-Month Revenue and Profit**

3. **Highlights**

4. **Q&A**


In this article, we'll be taking a look at the story of Troy, a former college tennis player who turned his passion for sports into a successful Amazon FBA business. We'll discuss the challenges he faced, the mistakes he made, and the lessons he learned along the way. We'll also take a look at his monthly revenue and profit, and hear his thoughts on the future of Amazon FBA.

Month-by-Month Revenue and Profit

Here is a breakdown of Troy's monthly revenue and profit for the first six months of selling his eco-friendly basketballs on Amazon:

| Month | Revenue | Profit |


| January | $6,300 | $2,500 |

| February | $110,000 | $4,500 |

| March | $177,000 | $6,500 |

| April | $1,700 | $4,000 |

| May | $8,300 | $3,000 |

| June | $6,300 | $2,400 |


Here are some of the highlights from Troy's story:

* He made over $260,000 in revenue on Amazon in the first six months of selling his eco-friendly basketballs.

* He reached a peak monthly revenue of $177,000 in March.

* He learned the importance of quality control, inventory management, and launch strategy.

* He made three major mistakes that cost him over $100,000.

* He is still working on improving his product and building his business.


Here are some of the questions that were asked during the video:

* What was your biggest regret?

* What was your biggest mistake?

* How much money have you made on Amazon in total?

* Do you think it's too late to sell on Amazon?

* What advice do you have for new sellers?

Here are Troy's answers to these questions:

* My biggest regret was not paying for quality control up front.

* My biggest mistake was running out of inventory.

* I've made over $260,000 in revenue on Amazon in total.

* I don't think it's too late to sell on Amazon. In fact, there are more people shopping on Amazon than ever before.

* My advice for new sellers is to learn as much as you can about the platform, and to find a mentor who can help you avoid the common mistakes.

- End -
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