My First 3 Amazon Products... (Failures + Success)

My First 3 Amazon Products... (Failures + Success)

February 24, 2024
Author: Big Y

Title: My First 4 Amazon Products - From Failure to Success

Body: **Introduction**

In this video, I'm going to share with you the story of my first four Amazon products - from failure to success. I'll cover the products I launched, the challenges I faced, and the lessons I learned along the way. I'll also share some tips on how you can avoid some of the mistakes I made and how you can increase your chances of success.

**My First Product: Teeth Whitening Charcoal**

My first product attempt on Amazon was teeth whitening charcoal. I had been doing some research on Amazon FBA and came across this product. The top sellers were making around $30k a month, so I thought to myself, "If I can even make half of that, that's plenty of money."

I invested about $2,200 into my first order of 500 units. The cost per unit with shipping ended up being about four to five dollars per unit. I decided to sell this product on because at the time, Amazon Canada was relatively new and there weren't that many products available.

I thought it'd be smart to actually sell it in Canada because there weren't that many sellers active there. I figured I should just create a better brand, launch it, and I should at least get a portion of the sales. You know, 10, 15, 20k a month was obviously the goal, but goal was goal.

**The Bad News**

Bad news came right away. I got an email from FedEx saying that my product was seized by Health Canada at the port of Vancouver for missing English and French ingredients on the label. I had no idea that it had to be in English and French. It made sense because all of our products in Canada have both English and French in the ingredients, but I actually saw that there was this product active on

So I asked the lady, "Well, what can I do to save the product?" She said that I had an option of going to the port and then basically changing the labels myself at the port. Obviously, I wasn't going to do that. I was in Toronto at the time. Vancouver is on the completely other side of the country.

**The Lesson Learned**

The lesson learned here was to make sure that I do all of my research and that I really understand the regulations. Also, that uh it's probably much easier to start on simply because there's just less regulations in the US for products like that. Definitely don't sell on if you're not in Canada.

**My Second Product: Barn Door Roller Guide**

My second product was the barn door roller guide. Now, you're probably wondering, "Dan, what the heck is a barn door roller guide?" And honestly, at the time, I had no idea. I had learned that the more obscure the product, the better on Amazon. I don't think that's the case anymore, but at the time, it was much more of a fact.

So I found this product through Jungle Scout. I saw that there was this new trend of home improvement, specifically in the south, uh southern states of the United States, so like South Carolina, Texas, and the Midwest as well. I noticed that there were a lot of these sliding barn doors that people were installing in their houses.

I only had a couple of hundred dollars to invest in this product, so I invested about $1,400 into my first order of 500 pieces. The cost with shipping ended up being about two dollars and eighty cents uh per unit. So I think it was like I think it was like a dollar eighty for the actual unit and then it was uh a dollar for the shipping.

I decided to sell this product on So what happened was that the product arrived and then I flipped on ppc and I started selling. But it only started selling two or three units a day.

What happened was that as the days went on, I was getting kind of worried. I was like, "Okay, you know when am I supposed to when is the product supposed to take off when am I gonna make all these Amazon millions that the people are talking about online?" And so what happened was was that uh it just basically stayed at two or three units a day in week one and two of launch.

**The Lesson Learned**

The lesson learned here was not to invest into a product that has too low of a demand.

**My Third Product: Micro Needle Derma Roller**

Now, if you didn't know that I sold the macro neutral derma roller, uh this was my first successful product. And if you sold on Amazon for

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