My Chinese New Year Dropshipping Strategy 2023

My Chinese New Year Dropshipping Strategy 2023

April 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Understanding the Impact of Chinese New Year on Dropshipping Businesses

3. Navigating Shipping Delays during Chinese New Year

4. The Opportunity for Dropshipping Businesses during Chinese New Year

5. Angling Your Products as New Product Launches

6. Using the Pre-Order Strategy to Scale Your Business

7. Setting Up the Pre-Order Button on Your Shopify Store

8. Customizing the Pre-Order Settings for Maximum Effectiveness

9. Researching and Testing Winning Products

10. Running Ads and Starting Your Online Business

11. Conclusion


Chinese New Year is an important holiday that affects dropshipping businesses, especially those selling physical products. In this article, we will explore how Chinese New Year impacts the industry and discuss strategies to navigate the challenges it presents. We will also uncover the opportunities that arise during this time and provide a step-by-step guide on using the pre-order strategy to scale your business. So, let's dive in and make the most of this festive season!

**Understanding the Impact of Chinese New Year on Dropshipping Businesses**

Chinese New Year is a bustling time for factories and shipping companies in China. It's crucial to comprehend how this holiday affects your business. During this period, most factories shut down completely, leading to extended shipping times and delays for customers. As a dropshipping business owner, it's essential to plan ahead and manage customer expectations during this time.

**Navigating Shipping Delays during Chinese New Year**

Shipping delays are inevitable during Chinese New Year due to factory closures. It's crucial to communicate with your customers about the potential delays and set realistic expectations. By proactively addressing these issues, you can maintain customer satisfaction and minimize any negative impact on your business. We'll discuss effective strategies to navigate shipping delays and ensure a smooth customer experience.

**The Opportunity for Dropshipping Businesses during Chinese New Year**

While many dropshipping businesses pause their advertising efforts during Chinese New Year, this presents a unique opportunity for those willing to seize it. With fewer competitors running ads, advertising costs are lower, making it an ideal time to test and find winning products. We'll explore how you can leverage this opportunity to gain a competitive edge and set yourself up for success when the holiday ends.

**Angling Your Products as New Product Launches**

To make the most of the Chinese New Year period, you can angle your products as new product launches. By offering them as pre-orders on your website, you can generate excitement and anticipation among your customers. We'll discuss effective strategies to position your products as new launches and create a sense of urgency that drives sales.

**Using the Pre-Order Strategy to Scale Your Business**

The pre-order strategy is a powerful tool for dropshipping businesses during Chinese New Year. By setting up a pre-order button on your Shopify store, you can collect orders and payments in advance, ensuring a smooth transition once the holiday ends. We'll guide you through the process of setting up the pre-order button and share tips to maximize its effectiveness.

**Setting Up the Pre-Order Button on Your Shopify Store**

In this section, we'll provide a step-by-step tutorial on setting up the pre-order button using the "Pre-Order Now" app available on the Shopify App Store. We'll walk you through the installation process and demonstrate how to customize the settings to align with your business goals. By following these instructions, you'll be able to seamlessly integrate the pre-order functionality into your Shopify store.

**Customizing the Pre-Order Settings for Maximum Effectiveness**

While the default settings of the "Pre-Order Now" app work well, we'll explore additional customization options available to enhance the pre-order experience for your customers. From adding badges and limited supply labels to offering discounts and collecting partial payments, we'll show you how to optimize the pre-order settings to drive conversions and increase customer satisfaction.

**Researching and Testing Winning Products**

Finding winning products is crucial for the success of your dropshipping business. In this section, we'll provide insights into effective product research strategies and share resources to help you identify products with high potential. We'll also discuss the importance of testing and iterating to find the best-performing products for your target audience.

**Running Ads and Starting Your Online Business**

Once you have set up your pre-order strategy and identified winning products, it's time to start running ads and scale your online business. We'll provide guidance on creating effective ad campaigns, targeting the right audience, and optimizing your advertising budget. With the right approach, you can leverage the lower advertising costs during Chinese New Year to drive traffic and generate sales.


Chinese New Year presents both challenges and opportunities for dropshipping businesses. By understanding the impact of this holiday, implementing the pre-order strategy, and leveraging the lower advertising costs, you can navigate the challenges and scale your business effectively. Remember, preparation and proactive communication are key to maintaining customer satisfaction during this festive season. Embrace the opportunities that arise and take your dropshipping business to new heights!


- Chinese New Year impacts dropshipping businesses with extended shipping times and factory closures.

- Lower advertising costs during Chinese New Year present an opportunity to test and find winning products.

- Angling products as new launches and offering pre-orders can generate excitement and anticipation.

- The "Pre-Order Now" app on Shopify enables seamless integration of the pre-order strategy.

- Customizing pre-order settings, such as adding badges and offering discounts, enhances customer experience.

- Effective product research and testing are crucial for finding winning products.

- Running targeted ads during Chinese New Year can drive traffic and generate sales.

- Preparation, proactive communication, and managing customer expectations are essential during this festive season.


Q: How long does Chinese New Year last?

A: Chinese New Year typically lasts for two weeks, during which most factories in China shut down.

Q: Can dropshipping businesses continue running ads during Chinese New Year?

A: Most dropshipping businesses pause their advertising efforts during this time due to extended shipping times. However, those working with 3PLs like Zen Drop, which offer faster shipping from the US, can continue running ads.

Q: How can I make the most of the lower advertising costs during Chinese New Year?

A: Lower advertising costs during this period provide an opportunity to test and find winning products. By leveraging this, you can identify successful products before the holiday ends and scale your business accordingly.

Q: How can I manage shipping delays and maintain customer satisfaction during Chinese New Year?

A: It's crucial to communicate with your customers about potential delays and set realistic expectations. Proactive communication, transparency, and excellent customer service are key to maintaining satisfaction during this time.

Q: How can I set up the pre-order button on my Shopify store?

A: You can use the "Pre-Order Now" app available on the Shopify App Store to set up the pre-order button. Follow the step-by-step tutorial provided in this article for detailed instructions.

Q: What are some effective strategies for finding winning products?

A: Conducting thorough product research, analyzing market trends, and testing different products are effective strategies for finding winning products. Utilize resources and tools available to identify products with high potential.

Q: How can I optimize my ad campaigns during Chinese New Year?

A: Target the right audience, create compelling ad copy, and optimize your advertising budget to maximize the impact of your ad campaigns. Monitor and analyze the performance of your ads to make data-driven decisions.

Q: How can I introduce an AI chatbot to my online business?

A: If you want to reduce the workload on customer services, consider integrating an AI chatbot like the one offered by VOC.AI. This AI chatbot can automate customer interactions and enhance the overall customer experience. Learn more about it here: [AI Chatbot](

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