Make $2000/Mo. Passive Income Selling Amazon KDP Books - No Writing Required

Make $2000/Mo. Passive Income Selling Amazon KDP Books - No Writing Required

March 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

📚 Making Money with Amazon KDP: The Ultimate Guide

Are you tired of spending years writing a book only to make a few sales? Have you seen ads online promising to make thousands of dollars per month with Amazon KDP without writing a single word? It sounds too good to be true, but in this article, we'll take a closer look at this business model to see if it really works or if it's just one big scam.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Book Bolt Platform

3. Finding a Profitable Niche

4. Creating Activity Books with Book Bolt

5. Marketing Your Books

6. Pros and Cons of the Business Model

7. Is It Worth Your Time?

8. FAQ


At first glance, the idea of making money with Amazon KDP without writing a single word seems like a get-rich-quick scheme. However, after researching and testing the Book Bolt platform, we've found that it's a viable business model that can generate a decent side income.

The Book Bolt Platform

Book Bolt is a software designed to help self-publish authors create and market their books on Amazon. It offers a built-in cover design tool, page templates, and a keyword search tool to find profitable niches. With Book Bolt, you can create activity and journal types of books in a matter of minutes.

Finding a Profitable Niche

The key to making money with Amazon KDP is by creating very niche-specific activity books with very little competition. Using the Book Bolt keyword search tool, you can find topics that have less than a thousand books published on your subject. The goal is to find a super niche topic, design an attractive cover, throw in some activity pages, and dominate that specific and underserved niche.

Creating Activity Books with Book Bolt

Book Bolt's Book Creator allows you to create various page templates for journal pages, text pages, coloring pages, Sudoku, and more. You can also use AI tools like Mid-Journey or Dally to create coloring pages in the theme of your book. Once you're done creating your book, you can upload it to Amazon KDP and start selling.

Marketing Your Books

Book Bolt also offers a range of marketing tools to help you promote your books, such as Amazon ad campaign management, social media graphics templates, and email marketing integrations. However, the goal here is to find a super niche topic, design an attractive cover, throw in some activity pages, and let it ride. These books might only sell a handful of copies per month, but the key is to boost a high volume of books to completely dominate a specific and underserved niche.

Pros and Cons of the Business Model


- Costs very little money to start

- Easy to create with software tools like Book Bolt

- Wide audience appeal

- Low competition


- Low profit per sale

- Writing books with no words is a volume game

- Risk of putting all your eggs in Amazon's basket

Is It Worth Your Time?

If you're willing to pump out these types of books and play the volume game, you can make money with this model. However, it's unlikely to amount to more than a side hustle that generates a couple of thousand dollars per month. Book Bolt's initial pitch may sound scammy, but their software is actually a great tool for easily publishing Amazon KDP books.


Q: Do I need to be a writer to make money with Amazon KDP?

A: No, you can create activity books with very little writing using software tools like Book Bolt.

Q: How much money can I make with Amazon KDP?

A: It depends on the number of books you publish and the sales volume of each book. However, it's unlikely to amount to more than a side hustle that generates a couple of thousand dollars per month.

Q: Is Book Bolt the only platform for creating Amazon KDP books?

A: No, there are other platforms available, but Book Bolt is a great tool for easily formatting and creating self-published books.

Q: Is there a risk of Amazon suspending my KDP account?

A: Amazon is cracking down on AI spam, but as long as you're creating books that add value and aren't spammy, you should be fine.


- Book Bolt:

- Mid-Journey:

- Dally:

- End -
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