Make $100 Your FIRST Day With Affiliate Marketing (New Method)

Make $100 Your FIRST Day With Affiliate Marketing (New Method)

March 28, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 Table of Contents


- Who is Chad Bartlett?

- What is Affiliate Marketing?

- What is the Method?

Understanding Stages of Awareness

- Unaware Stage

- Problem-Aware Stage

- Solution-Aware Stage

- Product-Aware Stage

- Most Aware Stage

Choosing the Right Stage of Awareness

- Why the Solution-Aware Stage is Best

- How to Promote Products in the Solution-Aware Stage

The Paid Route

- Setting Up a Google Ads Campaign

- Finding Solution-Aware Keywords

- Creating Effective Ad Headlines and Descriptions

- Building an Email List

- Promoting Related Products

The Free Route

- Creating a YouTube Channel

- Ranking on Solution-Aware Keywords

- Building an Email List

- Promoting Related Products

Pros and Cons of the Method

- Pros

- Cons


- Understanding the Stages of Awareness

- Choosing the Right Stage of Awareness

- Setting Up a Google Ads Campaign

- Building an Email List

- Promoting Related Products


- What is Affiliate Marketing?

- What is the Method?

- How do I choose the right stage of awareness?

- What is the difference between the paid and free route?

- How do I build an email list?

- How do I promote related products?



Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online, and Chad Bartlett is one of the top affiliates worldwide for a massive software company. In this article, we will explore a specific method that Chad has used to make money with affiliate marketing. We will discuss the stages of awareness, how to choose the right stage to promote products, and how to set up a Google Ads campaign. We will also explore the free route, which involves creating a YouTube channel and ranking on solution-aware keywords.

Understanding Stages of Awareness

Before we dive into the method, it's important to understand the stages of awareness. There are five stages of awareness: unaware, problem-aware, solution-aware, product-aware, and most aware.

- Unaware Stage: These are people who aren't aware of their desire or their need to solve the problem. This is the worst stage to promote in as an affiliate because you're marketing to people who don't even want to solve their problem.

- Problem-Aware Stage: These are people who know they have a problem to solve but aren't aware of any specific solution.

- Solution-Aware Stage: These are people who know there's a solution to their problem but aren't aware of any specific products to solve it. This is the best stage to promote in because they already know they have a problem and are actively looking for a solution.

- Product-Aware Stage: These are people who know about the product but haven't made a decision to buy yet.

- Most Aware Stage: These are people who have already bought the product.

Choosing the Right Stage of Awareness

For this specific method, the best stage to promote in is the solution-aware stage. This is where they know there's a solution to their problem but aren't aware of any specific products to solve it. We can be the person to recommend the product to them.

The Paid Route

The paid route involves setting up a Google Ads campaign. The first step is to find solution-aware keywords that have low competition. We can then create effective ad headlines and descriptions that will entice people to click on our ads.

Once they click on our ads, we will send them to a landing page where they can download a free lead magnet. We will collect their name and email and start building an email list. From there, we can promote related products to them.

The Free Route

The free route involves creating a YouTube channel and ranking on solution-aware keywords. We can create videos that provide value to our audience and promote related products in the description. We can also build an email list and promote related products to them.

Pros and Cons of the Method


- Can be very profitable

- Can be done with low investment

- Can be scaled up quickly


- Can be time-consuming

- Requires good copywriting skills

- Can be competitive in some niches


- Understanding the stages of awareness is crucial to the success of this method.

- Choosing the right stage of awareness to promote in is key.

- Setting up a Google Ads campaign can be a quick way to get traffic.

- Building an email list is important for promoting related products.

- The free route involves creating a YouTube channel and ranking on solution-aware keywords.


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where an affiliate earns a commission for promoting someone else's products or services.

What is the Method?

The method involves finding solution-aware keywords with low competition, setting up a Google Ads campaign, and building an email list to promote related products.

How do I choose the right stage of awareness?

The best stage to promote in is the solution-aware stage, where they know there's a solution to their problem but aren't aware of any specific products to solve it.

What is the difference between the paid and free route?

The paid route involves setting up a Google Ads campaign, while the free route involves creating a YouTube channel and ranking on solution-aware keywords.

How do I build an email list?

You can build an email list by offering a lead magnet, such as a free PDF or video, in exchange for their name and email.

How do I promote related products?

You can promote related products through email marketing, YouTube videos, or by placing ads on your website or social media.


In conclusion, the method discussed in this article can be a profitable way to make money with affiliate marketing. By understanding the stages of awareness and choosing the right stage to promote in, we can effectively promote related products to our audience. Whether you choose the paid or free route, building an email list is crucial for promoting related products and scaling up your business.

- End -
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