Laziest Way to Make Money Online For Beginners ($900/day+)

Laziest Way to Make Money Online For Beginners ($900/day+)

March 13, 2024
Author: Big Y

The Lazy Way to Make $10,000 a Month: Three Paths to Leverage Income

Are you tired of working long hours and still struggling to make ends meet? Do you dream of making $10,000 a month without having to put in too much effort? If so, then you're in luck because in this article, we'll be discussing the lazy way to make $10,000 a month. Yes, you read that right - the lazy way. But before we dive into the three paths to leverage income, let's first understand what leverage income is and why it's perfect for lazy people.

What is Leverage Income?

Leverage income is a type of income that is not tied to the amount of time you put into something. In other words, it's about creating a type of income that allows you to put in the least amount of effort to get the most amount of return. This is in contrast to a job paid by the hour, where the pay you get in return is directly tied to how many hours you work. Leverage income is about working smart, not hard.

The Lazy Way of Making Money

Most people think being lazy is a bad thing, but Bill Gates himself has said that he would rather hire a lazy person to do a difficult job because they will look for the easiest way to do it. Being lazy doesn't mean you're not productive; it means you're efficient. You look for smarter ways to get the job done. For example, you could be extremely hardworking and get something done by working so hard, or you can be lazy and get the same job done by working smart. The lazy way of making money is about making money in a way where you have to put in the least amount of effort to get the most amount of return.

The Criteria for the Laziest Path to Make $10,000 a Month

In order for this to be the laziest path to make $10,000 a month, it has to meet a certain criteria:

1. You don't need to have large amounts of money or starting capital.

2. You don't need to have a university degree.

3. You don't have to spend more than 3 hours every single day working on this.

4. You don't need to spend any money on advertising or marketing.

5. It should be able to make you leveraged income.

Now that we understand what leverage income is and what the criteria for the laziest path to make $10,000 a month are, let's dive into the three paths to leverage income.

Path #1: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting other people's products or services for a commission per sale. The commission is usually anywhere from 5% to around 30%, and sometimes even up to 40% or 50%, depending on the company. Most products and services you use on a daily basis actually might have an affiliate program, so you could start making money by just recommending the products that you use on a regular basis to make a commission from those.

The biggest advantage of affiliate marketing is that you don't need to create your own product or service. You simply promote someone else's product or service and make a commission from it. However, the biggest disadvantage of affiliate marketing is that you're relying on another person's software or product. If they decide to kick you out from the affiliate program or they stop their services or products, your income can go from $10,000 a month to zero in a second.

Path #2: Digital Products

Digital products could be courses, ebooks, templates, or anything that a customer can download just through their email or view it online. The biggest advantage of digital products is that you don't need to have a physical product, and you don't need to spend money on manufacturing or shipping. You simply create a digital product once, and it can generate recurring revenue every single month.

However, the biggest disadvantage of digital products is that your sales are not guaranteed every single day. Some months you might make $10,000, and some months you might just make $1,000. This inconsistency is not good if you're relying on this to pay your bills.

Path #3: Reselling Products via Amazon FBA

Reselling products via Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is the process of finding profitable wholesale products, buying them in bulk from the brand directly or an authorized wholesaler, and then shipping them off to Amazon. Every time your customer orders it from you, Amazon will pick, pack, and ship the product to your customer, and customer service will be handled by Amazon.

The biggest advantage of reselling products via Amazon FBA is that you're leveraging the infrastructure of a trillion-dollar organization. Amazon brings the traffic to you, and manpower, storage, logistics, and customer service are all handled by Amazon. You don't need to spend money on manufacturing, shipping, or customer service. All you have to do is find profitable products and resell them on Amazon.

The biggest disadvantage of reselling products via Amazon FBA is that you're relying on Amazon. If Amazon decides to kick you out from the platform or change their policies, your income can go from $10,000 a month to zero in a second.


In conclusion, the lazy way to make $10,000 a month is to create leverage income. Leverage income is about creating a type of income that allows you to put in the least amount of effort to get the most amount of return. The three paths to leverage income are affiliate marketing, digital products, and reselling products via Amazon FBA. Each path has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's up to you to decide which path to take.


- Leverage income is a type of income that is not tied to the amount of time you put into something.

- The lazy way of making money is about making money in a way where you have to put in the least amount of effort to get the most amount of return.

- The three paths to leverage income are affiliate marketing, digital products, and reselling products via Amazon FBA.

- Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting other people's products or services for a commission per sale.

- Digital products could be courses, ebooks, templates, or anything that a customer can download just through their email or view it online.

- Reselling products via Amazon FBA is the process of finding profitable wholesale products, buying them in bulk from the brand directly or an authorized wholesaler, and then shipping them off to Amazon.


Q: Do I need to have a large following to make money with affiliate marketing?

A: No, you don't need to have a large following to make money with affiliate marketing. You can take advantage of going viral so easily while short-form content.

Q: Do I need to spend money on manufacturing or shipping if I'm reselling products via Amazon FBA?

A: No, you don't need to spend money on manufacturing or shipping if you're reselling products via Amazon FBA. You simply find profitable wholesale products, buy them in bulk, and ship them off to Amazon.

Q: What is the biggest disadvantage of digital products?

A: The biggest disadvantage of digital products is that your sales are not guaranteed every single day. Some months you might make $10,000, and some months you might just make $1,000. This inconsistency is not good if you're relying on this to pay your bills.


- Amazon Associates:

- Udemy:

- Coursera:

- Skillshare:

- Amazon FBA:

- End -
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