Laziest Way to Make Money From Your Phone ($500+/Day)

Laziest Way to Make Money From Your Phone ($500+/Day)

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

🤑 The Laziest Way to Make Money Online for Complete Beginners

Are you tired of struggling to make money online? Have you tried every business model known to man and still can't seem to make it work? Well, you're not alone. Making money online can be difficult, especially if you're a complete beginner. But what if I told you there was a lazier way to make money online? A way that doesn't require you to wear a bunch of hats or have a ton of experience?

In this article, we'll be discussing the laziest way to make money online for complete beginners. We'll break down the business model step by step and show you how to mitigate the risks involved. We'll also discuss the importance of identifying the lifestyle you want and finding a business model that aligns with your personality and values.

So, without further ado, let's dive in!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Why Most Ways to Make Money Online are Difficult

3. Mitigating Risks in Any Business

4. The Power of Proximity

5. Finding a Big Hairy Problem

6. Getting an Upside of an Existing Business

7. The Silver Lining Method

8. Identifying the Lifestyle You Want

9. The Importance of Personality and Values

10. Conclusion

Why Most Ways to Make Money Online are Difficult

If you've been trying to make money online for a while, you've probably realized that most ways are just too difficult. They require you to wear a bunch of hats and have a ton of experience. For example, you might be expected to build a website, do marketing, run ads, hire a team, sell a product, and talk to Chinese manufacturers.

As a complete beginner, it's hard to succeed when you don't have any of those skills. And that's why most ways to make money online are designed for beginners to fail. They're expecting you to wear a bunch of hats and do things you're not good at.

Mitigating Risks in Any Business

To succeed in any business, you need to mitigate the risks involved. The main risks are time, money, and energy. For example, if you invest 6 to 12 months of your life in a business that doesn't work out, you've wasted a lot of time. If you put a bunch of money into a business that fails, you've wasted a lot of money. And if you're afraid of being judged by your friends and family, you're wasting a lot of energy.

To mitigate these risks, you need to find a business model that aligns with your personality and values. You also need to find a mentor who's already successful in that business and learn from them.

The Power of Proximity

The laziest way to make money online is to be around people who are already successful in the business you want to be in. When you're around successful people, you naturally start moving towards their level. You start thinking like them, acting like them, and making money like them.

To get around successful people, you can join communities, groups, or online digital tribes. You can also attend masterminds or events where successful people hang out.

Finding a Big Hairy Problem

To make money in any business, you need to solve a big hairy problem. For example, if your mentor is struggling with marketing, you can learn marketing and help them solve that problem. By solving their problem, you'll make money and get closer to them.

Getting an Upside of an Existing Business

The laziest way to make money online is to get an upside of an existing business. Instead of starting your own business, you can learn a high-income skill and help your mentor make more money. For example, if your mentor has a product they want to sell, you can learn marketing and help them sell it.

The Silver Lining Method

The Silver Lining Method is a brand new way to make money online for complete beginners. It's a simple, eight-step process that doesn't require you to wear a bunch of hats or have a ton of experience. With just a smartphone, you can make 3 to 10K a month profit in as little as 8 weeks.

Identifying the Lifestyle You Want

Before you start any business, you need to identify the lifestyle you want. What kind of relationships do you want? What kind of freedom do you want? What kind of fulfillment do you want? Once you identify the lifestyle you want, you can find a business model that aligns with it.

The Importance of Personality and Values

It's important to find a business model that aligns with your personality and values. If you're doing something that doesn't align with who you are, you'll hate yourself in the long run. You'll be miserable and unfulfilled.


Making money online doesn't have to be difficult. With the right mindset and the right business model, you can make money without wearing a bunch of hats or having a ton of experience. The laziest way to make money online is to be around successful people, solve big hairy problems, and get an upside of an existing business. And if you're a complete beginner, the Silver Lining Method is the perfect way to get started.


- The laziest way to make money online is to be around successful people

- Mitigating risks is important in any business

- The Silver Lining Method is a brand new way to make money online for complete beginners

- It's important to find a business model that aligns with your personality and values


Q: Do I need a lot of experience to make money online?

A: No, you don't. The laziest way to make money online is to find a mentor who's already successful in the business you want to be in and learn from them.

Q: Is the Silver Lining Method a scam?

A: No, it's not. The Silver Lining Method is a legitimate way to make money online for complete beginners.

Q: How much money can I make with the Silver Lining Method?

A: You can make 3 to 10K a month profit with just a smartphone in as little as 8 weeks.

Q: Do I need to invest a lot of money to get started with the Silver Lining Method?

A: No, you don't. The Silver Lining Method is a low-cost way to get started with making money online.


- The Silver Lining Method: [insert URL]

- End -
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