Just Ordered Your First Amazon FBA Product? Do These Steps Next...

Just Ordered Your First Amazon FBA Product? Do These Steps Next...

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

What to Do After You Purchase Your Product: A Comprehensive Guide

Congratulations on purchasing your product! This is a huge step in your Amazon FBA career, and it's important to make the most of this time before your product gets into Amazon's FBA warehouse. In this guide, we'll walk you through the six steps you need to take after purchasing your product to ensure that you're ready to go on day one.

Confirm Your Freight Forwarder

The first step in this process is to confirm your freight forwarder. If you don't know what a freight forwarder is, it's someone who will ship your goods internationally. Customs, tariffs, and international shipping can be confusing, so it's best to let someone else handle it for you. The best person to do this is either your manufacturer or someone independent from your manufacturer. If you're using an independent freight forwarder, make sure you give them the contact information for your manufacturer so they can schedule a pickup date.

Schedule an Inspection

If you're not getting an inspection done for your product, you're making a huge mistake. This can save you from potential issues, one-star reviews, and delays. Get an inspection done before you ship the product. You can find inspection companies on page 27 of my manual or cheat sheet. Make sure you schedule the inspection in advance so you don't have to wait for days to get it done.

List Your Product

After you've confirmed your freight forwarder and scheduled an inspection, it's time to list your product. You'll need a UPC code to list your product on Amazon. You can get this on gs1. If you want to list your product on Amazon with your brand name, you'll need to get brand approval or brand registration. If you don't care about branding, you can list your product under generic. Make sure you get this done before your product gets into Amazon's FBA warehouse.


Now that you've listed your product, it's time to focus on packaging. You'll need to have your FN SKU on the packaging before you send it into Amazon's FBA warehouse. The FN SKU is Amazon's barcode, and it's different from the ASIN. You can get the FN SKU after you list your product on Amazon. If you're branding your product, you can get it professionally designed. If you're running lean, you can use the manufacturer's generic packaging.

Write Your Listing

After you've taken care of packaging, it's time to write your listing. Do market research before you write your listing to learn the customer's language and pain points. Read competitors' listings and reviews to learn more about market research. Do keyword research for your title, bullets, description, and back-end keywords. If you're brand registered, you can create a plus content.

Product Photography

The last step is product photography. Find a photographer who knows a lot about e-commerce and Amazon. Decide if you're getting lifestyles done, infographics done, 3D renderings, or a combination of all. Tell your manufacturer to pull the first unit off the line and DHL Express it to your photographer. Photos take about one to three weeks, so make sure you get this done before your product gets into Amazon's FBA warehouse.


In conclusion, these six steps are crucial to ensuring that you're ready to go on day one. Make sure you confirm your freight forwarder, schedule an inspection, list your product, focus on packaging, write your listing, and take care of product photography. By following these steps, you'll be able to take advantage of the honeymoon period and start selling your product right away.

Pros and Cons


- Ensures that you're ready to go on day one

- Saves you from potential issues, one-star reviews, and delays

- Helps you take advantage of the honeymoon period


- Can be time-consuming

- Can be expensive


- Confirm your freight forwarder

- Schedule an inspection

- List your product

- Focus on packaging

- Write your listing

- Take care of product photography


Q: What is a freight forwarder?

A: A freight forwarder is someone who will ship your goods internationally.

Q: Why do I need an inspection?

A: An inspection can save you from potential issues, one-star reviews, and delays.

Q: What is an FN SKU?

A: An FN SKU is Amazon's barcode, and it's different from the ASIN.

Q: What is brand registration?

A: Brand registration is when you register your brand with Amazon.

Q: Why do I need product photography?

A: Product photography is important because it helps you sell your product on Amazon.

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