I TRIED earning $500/Day with Amazon Affiliate Marketing & Pinterest (2024)

I TRIED earning $500/Day with Amazon Affiliate Marketing & Pinterest (2024)

April 8, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Why Use Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing

3. Step 1: Creating a Business Pinterest Account

4. Step 2: Joining Amazon Associates

5. Step 3: Conducting Keyword Research on Pinterest

6. Step 4: Creating Eye-Catching Pins on Canva

7. Step 5: Tagging Products with Affiliate Links

8. The Power of Amazon's 24-Hour Cookies

9. Consistency and Hard Work: Keys to Success

10. Conclusion


Are you looking for ways to earn extra money with Amazon and Pinterest? You've probably seen numerous videos discussing the potential, but they often lack a step-by-step guide. In this article, we will explore how to effectively use Pinterest for affiliate marketing with Amazon. We'll cover everything from creating a business Pinterest account to conducting keyword research and creating eye-catching pins. By following these steps and investing time and effort, you can tap into the vast potential of Pinterest and start earning as an online entrepreneur.

Why Use Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing

Before diving into the steps, let's understand why Pinterest is a powerful platform for affiliate marketing. With 1.2 billion monthly users, Pinterest serves as a visual search engine where users discover and save ideas. As an affiliate marketer, you can leverage this massive audience to promote your products and earn commissions. Pinterest's largest audience consists of women, making it an ideal platform for niches like beauty products, skincare, cosmetics, home decor, and gardening. By targeting the right audience, you can tap into their purchasing power and drive traffic to your affiliate links.

Step 1: Creating a Business Pinterest Account

The first step in your affiliate marketing journey is to create a business Pinterest account. Many people overlook this crucial step and end up using individual accounts. To create a business account, visit pinterest.com and click on "Business." Follow the prompts to create an account by providing your email and password. This process takes only a few minutes but sets the foundation for your affiliate marketing success on Pinterest.

Step 2: Joining Amazon Associates

To monetize your Pinterest account, you need to join the Amazon Associates program. Visit Amazon Associates and complete the simple registration process, which takes around five minutes. Amazon Associates welcomes affiliates from various countries, so ensure your country is eligible. Once approved, you gain access to a wide range of products and can generate affiliate links for your promotions.

Step 3: Conducting Keyword Research on Pinterest

Keyword research is crucial for optimizing your Pinterest content and reaching the right audience. While many suggest using Google Trends, Pinterest Trends is a more suitable tool for this platform. Explore Pinterest Trends to identify popular keywords and topics related to your niche. For example, if Valentine's Day is approaching, keywords like "Valentine's Nails" might be trending. By aligning your content with these trends, you can attract more traffic and potential customers.

Step 4: Creating Eye-Catching Pins on Canva

To create visually appealing pins, we recommend using Canva. Sign up for a free account on canva.com, and explore the available templates. While some features require a subscription, you can still create stunning pins using the free elements. Choose a blank Pinterest pin template and customize it with relevant images and text. Remember, Pinterest is a visual search engine, so invest time in creating attractive pins that stand out from the competition.

Step 5: Tagging Products with Affiliate Links

Once you have your pins ready, it's time to tag them with affiliate links. Upload your pin on Pinterest and click on "Tag products" in the pin creation process. Add your affiliate link for the corresponding product from Amazon. This way, when users click on your pin and explore the product, you earn a commission if they make a purchase within 24 hours. Amazon's 24-hour cookies allow you to earn commissions on any product users add to their cart during that period, even if it's unrelated to your initial promotion.

The Power of Amazon's 24-Hour Cookies

One of the advantages of Amazon's affiliate program is the 24-hour cookie duration. This means that even if users don't purchase the product you initially promoted, you can still earn commissions on any other product they buy within 24 hours. This flexibility allows you to maximize your earnings and capitalize on the diverse range of products available on Amazon.

Consistency and Hard Work: Keys to Success

While affiliate marketing on Pinterest can be lucrative, it's essential to set realistic expectations. Avoid falling for get-rich-quick schemes that promise instant wealth. Success in this field requires consistency, hard work, and dedication. Invest time in creating high-quality pins, conducting thorough keyword research, and continuously improving your strategies. Learn from successful affiliate marketers on Pinterest and adapt their techniques to suit your niche. Remember, building a sustainable income takes time and effort.


Affiliate marketing on Pinterest offers a fantastic opportunity to earn extra income with Amazon. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can establish a solid foundation for your affiliate marketing journey. Create a business Pinterest account, join Amazon Associates, conduct keyword research, create eye-catching pins on Canva, and tag them with affiliate links. Remember to invest time and effort into each pin, learn from successful marketers, and stay consistent. With dedication and perseverance, you can unlock the potential of Pinterest and enjoy the rewards of affiliate marketing.



- Pinterest's 1.2 billion monthly users make it a powerful platform for affiliate marketing.

- Creating a business Pinterest account is crucial for success.

- Joining the Amazon Associates program allows you to generate affiliate links.

- Conduct keyword research on Pinterest to optimize your content.

- Canva is a valuable tool for creating visually appealing pins.

- Tag your pins with affiliate links to earn commissions on Amazon.

- Amazon's 24-hour cookies enable you to earn commissions on related purchases.

- Consistency and hard work are essential for long-term success in affiliate marketing on Pinterest.



**Q: How long does it take to create a business Pinterest account?**

A: Creating a business Pinterest account takes only a few minutes.

**Q: Can I join the Amazon Associates program from any country?**

A: Amazon Associates is available in select countries. Check the program's eligibility requirements for your country.

**Q: How can I find trending keywords on Pinterest?**

A: Utilize Pinterest Trends to discover popular keywords and topics related to your niche.

**Q: Can I use Canva for free?**

A: Canva offers a free version with many useful features. Some premium elements may require a subscription.

**Q: How long do Amazon's 24-hour cookies last?**

A: Amazon's 24-hour cookies allow you to earn commissions on any product users purchase within 24 hours of clicking your affiliate link

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