I Tried Andrew Tate’s $49 Crypto Course in The Real World (Unreal Results)

I Tried Andrew Tate’s $49 Crypto Course in The Real World (Unreal Results)

March 19, 2024
Author: Big Y

📚 Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Crypto Course Outline

3. Investing in Established Tokens

4. Leverage Trading

5. Scalping

6. Technical Analysis

7. The Importance of a Great Crypto Exchange

8. Results of the Three-Day Challenge

9. Is Tate's Crypto Course Worth It?

10. Conclusion


Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic for several years now, and many people have made a fortune investing in it. However, with the market being so volatile, it can be challenging to know where to start. In this article, we will explore Tate's crypto course and see if it can provide the knowledge needed to profit from crypto trading.

The Crypto Course Outline

Tate's crypto course consists of 12 different sections, each with multiple lessons. The course covers the fundamentals of crypto trading, investing signals, specific crypto knowledge, and how to find Alpha. The course also teaches you how to research tokens that are likely to blow up so that you can invest in them before they do.

Investing in Established Tokens

One of the strategies that the author of this article used was to invest in established tokens. The author split their funds into two of the most established and trusted cryptos of all time, Bitcoin and Ethereum. These two tokens have led the crypto space for almost a decade now and have always reached new highs when bull markets arose.

Leverage Trading

Leverage trading is the riskiest way to trade crypto because you can make tons of money in a second or lose all your money in a second. The way it works is that a crypto exchange allows you to borrow their funds so you can invest more money, which simultaneously amplifies your potential profits and losses. The author of this article used leverage trading to try and double their money.


Scalping is when you try to get in and out of a trade in a few minutes to make a small profit. The author of this article used scalping as a strategy to try and make money quickly.

Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is the study of past market data, primarily price and volume, to predict future market behavior. The author of this article used technical analysis to try and predict which way the market would move.

The Importance of a Great Crypto Exchange

To succeed in crypto trading, you need a great crypto exchange with top-tier indicators. The author of this article used Buy Defy, a crypto exchange that allows you to invest in over 80 tokens, leverage trade, and trade popular coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Doge.

Results of the Three-Day Challenge

In three days of trading, the author of this article took their leverage account from $500 to $511 and their spot account stayed the same at around $500, resulting in a grand total of $11 profit.

Is Tate's Crypto Course Worth It?

The author of this article found Tate's crypto course to be way more in-depth than they expected. Over time, they believe their results would have been 100 times better. If you want to learn about crypto, the author recommends joining the real world in their description.


Crypto trading can be a lucrative way to make money, but it is also risky. Tate's crypto course can provide the knowledge needed to profit from crypto trading, but it is essential to do your research and only invest money you are willing to lose. With the right strategies and a great crypto exchange, you can succeed in the crypto space.

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